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Reproduction in Flowering Plants Plants use sexual reproduction – two plants combine to make one zygote through the process of fertilization of a female.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction in Flowering Plants Plants use sexual reproduction – two plants combine to make one zygote through the process of fertilization of a female."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction in Flowering Plants Plants use sexual reproduction – two plants combine to make one zygote through the process of fertilization of a female sex cell by a male sex cell. Some plants have separate sexes with one type of sex organ on each (poplar trees), while some plants have both sexes on one plant – hermaphrodites (tomatoes). Most plants develop or mature in one growing season.

2 Plant Sex Organs Plant sex organs are very different than humans. Male Sex Organs:  Pollen – male sex cells  Stamen- anther, where pollen is produced. - Filament, holds anther away from plant. Female Sex Organs:  Eggs – female sex cells  Pistil – Sticky surface for the pollen to land on. Style – traveling chamber from stigma and ovary. Ovary – holds the egg. Plant sex organs vary in length, size, colour, and shape from plant to plant.

3 Anatomy of a Flowering Plant 7.3a Stigma Stem Sepal Petal Filament Anther Pollen Style Ovary Eggs



6 Pollination  The process by which pollen moves from an anther to the stigma so pollen can fertilize the egg.  Can occur between plants or in the same plant.  Wind, gravity, insects, animals, and water can carry pollen. It is beneficial for pollen to be spread over large areas for greater genetic disbursement.

7 Fertilization The combining of pollen and eggs to produce a zygote. In plants, the zygote is better known as seeds. In some plants the ovary enlarges into fruit, therefore we are actually eating ovaries. Fruit is used for protection and disbursement ex. A bear eats berries and leaves seeds through its droppings.

8 Practice and Review Meiosis and Reproduction in Flowering Plants P. 206-209 Reproduction Unit Exam Study Questions Tomorrow: go over Review Questions Tomorrow: go over Review Questions Next day: Reproduction Unit Test Next day: Reproduction Unit Test

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