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Using Technology to Help Students Succeed Bob Bramucci and Jim Gaston.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Technology to Help Students Succeed Bob Bramucci and Jim Gaston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Technology to Help Students Succeed Bob Bramucci and Jim Gaston

2  District IT Update  Technology and Student Success  What we’ve done  What we are doing  What we hope to do  Discussion

3  Major Projects  Student Account Task Force  MySite Refresh  MAP Refresh  SharePoint  Perceptive Enterprise Content Management  Mobile Apps  Sherpa

4  SharePoint > Technology and Learning Services > Information Technology > IT Projects


6 Over 8,700 downloads


8 How can technology help our students succeed?

9 Remove Barriers Add Assistance

10  Online Orientation and Advisement  Online Application  Class Schedule  Class Shopping Cart  MySite Registration  Book Purchase  Add Permit Code (APC)  Personalized Campus Map  Campus Wi-Fi  Blackboard Integration  Mobile Apps

11  MAP – Where do you want to go?  Personal academic goals  Sherpa – Let us help you get there  Closed class search assistance  Targeted messages  Important Tasks  Reminders  MAP Integration  MySite Refresh – Focus on what is important  News Feed  Calendar  To-Do List  Mobile


13  “Today’s students use laptops, smart phones and tablets not only to communicate with friends and professors, but also to make appointments, purchase goods and services, watch movies, and do research. This is where our students spend much of their time, and we must create smart applications that make it easier for them to pursue and reach their educational goals.”

14  “Scaling up the use of technology is one of the few viable approaches to reach substantially more students, many of whom prefer navigating their pathway through community college in an online environment.”  “…the CCC system needs to look towards the creation of centralized student support modules that offer high interactivity with local campus and district IT and administrative systems.”

15  “An additional benefit to the creation and maintenance of centralized technology utilities is that doing so will create huge economies of scale for the system.”

16  “Community Colleges will develop and use centralized and integrated technology, which can be accessed through campus or district web portals, to better guide students in their educational process.”  Recommendation 2.3

17  “The creation of online resources that would support advisement and allow many students to self-manage their academic pathways is essential.”

18  “(data) can be aggregated in educational data warehouses, leveraged, and used to help advise students on effective pathways through college…An example of this would be the use of analysis of past student outcomes in various courses for students at various levels of basic skills to create an advisement matrix.”  “These technological applications will generate efficiencies, but more importantly they will increase and improve communications with students by using platforms they already rely on to manage their daily lives.”

19  Centralization  Standardization  Automation

20  Stronger System Office  Assessment Test Database  Student Support Modules  Data Warehouses (e.g., K-18 + workforce longitudinal record system)

21  Policies  Mandatory participation in orientation and remediation for the non-college-ready  Declared program of study by end of 3 rd term  Incentivized Enrollment Priority  BOG Incentives  Basic Skills in First Year  Common K-14 College & Career Readiness Standards

22  Common Assessment Tests  Data-driven, student-driven scheduling  College Trending Scorecards   Student Success Scorecards

23  Assessment tests  Educational Plans  Educational Pathways  Data Warehouses  Predictive Analytics

24  Common college application  Electronic transcripts  Online BOG waiver  Education Planning Module  Electronic Library Catalog  Electronic Resources  Job Placement Module  Textbook Purchasing Module  Transfer Advisement Module



27  

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