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May 4, 2016. Target: I can explain how the tide of the war turned in the North’s favor. Bell ringer: Use your books to explain why Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

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Presentation on theme: "May 4, 2016. Target: I can explain how the tide of the war turned in the North’s favor. Bell ringer: Use your books to explain why Gettysburg and Vicksburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 4, 2016

2 Target: I can explain how the tide of the war turned in the North’s favor. Bell ringer: Use your books to explain why Gettysburg and Vicksburg are considered to be the turning point of the war. Chapter 15, Section 4 power point Exit Slip: Give me 5 Homework: The Gettysburg Address

3 Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3 1863; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 2 nd time Confederates engaged Union on Union soil (first time: Antietam) Lee believed that a Confederate victory on Union soil would bring an end to the war Battle began when Confederate soldiers were discovered near Gettysburg looking for shoes 85,000 Union vs. 75,000 Confederates Picket’s Charge 23,000 Union casualties 28,000 Confederate casualties (2 nd time Lee had lost 1/3 of his army) Huge win for Union


5 Fall of Vicksburg Vicksburg was one of 2 cities on Mississippi River still held by Confederates City was put under siege by General Grant in May of 1863. After 6 weeks 30,000 confederates gave up With the surrender of Vicksburg the entire Mississippi River was in Union hands Together with Gettysburg considered to be turning point of the war. The advantage now belonged to the Union.

6 Union Advantages Pay Off Under General Grant the Union army finally began to use its vast resources against the Confederate army Over 7 weeks of near constant fighting the North suffered 55,000 casualties and the South 35,000 Difference: Grant could continue to attack Lee’s army over and over again b/c Grant knew that he would continue to get more soldiers and supplies At the time Grant controlled the largest army in the world (over 500,000 men) The confederate army, however, was running out of men and supplies

7 Lincoln Reelected Election of 1864: Lincoln vs. McClellan Remember McClellan was formerly Lincoln’s top general Lincoln had removed him from his position twice McClellan was a Democrat (wanted to end the war with the South) Lincoln was very unpopular at this time due to length of war and high casualty rate. The capture of Atlanta by General Sherman and his Union troops propelled Lincoln to an easy victory Atlanta was the South’s industrial center where most of their war materials were made. Without Atlanta it would be impossible to keep the Confederate troops supplied properly

8 Total War At the same time Grant was attacking Lee his good friend, William Tecumseh Sherman, was leading his famous march from Atlanta to the Atlantic Ocean Goal was to “make Georgia howl” 60,000 soldiers 285 miles long, 60 miles wide path of destruction Achieved goal

9 Appomattox April 9, 1865 Terms of surrender: give up your weapons and leave in peace “The war is over. The rebels are our countrymen again.” Ulysses S. Grant “With malice toward none; with charity for all;…let us strive together…to bind up the nation’s wounds.” Abraham Lincoln

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