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Topic: Circulatory System Aim: Describe the structure and function of the 3 types of blood vessels. Do Now: Take out your reading notes. Complete Digestive.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Circulatory System Aim: Describe the structure and function of the 3 types of blood vessels. Do Now: Take out your reading notes. Complete Digestive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Circulatory System Aim: Describe the structure and function of the 3 types of blood vessels. Do Now: Take out your reading notes. Complete Digestive System Check Sheet HW: Finish the Heart ISA

2 A B C Platelets Red blood cells White blood cells C

3 Did you know… The body of an adult contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels! An adult's heart pumps nearly 4000 gallons of blood each day!


5 Arteries Capillaries Veins

6 ARTERIES Carry blood AWAY from heart Have THICKER walls


8 Blood flows FASTER HIGH pressure

9 PULSE can be felt


11 Branching arteries in the eye

12 Most carry blood WITH oxygen

13 Pulmonary arteries: Carry DEOXYGENATED blood to the LUNGS

14 Coronary arteries: Carry OXYGENATED blood to the myocardium (heart muscle)

15 Aorta: Largest artery Carries OXY blood to the rest of the body

16 Arteries Capillaries Veins

17 VEINS Carry blood TO the heart

18 VEINS Have THINNER walls LESS pressure No PULSE can be felt

19 Have VALVES to stop blood from flowing backwards





24 Most carry blood WITHOUT oxygen

25 Pulmonary veins: Carry OXYGENATED from the LUNGS back to the heart

26 Superior Vena Cava: Veins that transports DEOXYGENTATED blood from the upper part of the body back to the heart

27 Inferior Vena Cava: Veins that transports DEOXYGENTATED blood from the lower part of the body back to the heart

28 Coronary veins: Carry DEOXYGENATED blood from the myocardium (heart muscle) to the vena cava

29 Artery Vein

30 Arteries Capillaries Veins

31 CAPILLARIES TINY blood vessels CONNECT arteries to veins

32 Walls are very THIN Walls are one ONE CELL thick


34 OXYGEN and NUTRIENTS need to be able to get OUT OF the blood

35 CARBON DIOXIDE and other WASTE PRODUCTS move from the BODY CELLS back into the BLOOD


37 Blood vessels in the right arm and shoulder

38 Arteries of the lower leg & blood supply to the face & skull

39 What would happen if the coronary artery that transports oxygenated blood to the heart gets blocked?

40 What would happen if the artery that transports oxygenated blood to the brain gets blocked?

41 Let’s summarize… 1.Identify the three types of blood vessels. 2.Why are arteries very muscular? 3.Identify where each type of blood vessel carries blood. 4.Why are capillaries so thin? 5.Why do veins have valves? 6.In which blood vessel is your pulse felt? Explain why.

42 Review: Identify the type of blood vessel. 1.Low blood pressure 2.Where diffusion or exchange of substances occurs. 3.Contains valves 4.Carry blood away from the heart 5.Connects arteries and veins 6.Carry blood away from the heart 7.Red blood cells move in single file 8.Elastic and flexible. 9.Used to feel pulse. VEINS CAPILLARIES VEINS ARTIERIES CAPILLARIES ARTERIES CAPILLARIES ARTERIES


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