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General Principles for Phyto Ecert (day 1) Peter Johnston Plant Exports.

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Presentation on theme: "General Principles for Phyto Ecert (day 1) Peter Johnston Plant Exports."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Principles for Phyto Ecert (day 1) Peter Johnston Plant Exports

2 Future Official Assurances! Let’s make MAF export certification mean something!!! Let’s make official certification mean something!!!

3 Electronic exchange of official assurances. Operates directly between an exporting NPPO to an importing country NPPO (e.g. NPPO to NPPO electronic exchange of certification data). May be used to manage & view certification data & generate paper based certificates. Specifically manages: the content of the message, the way the message is exchanged, and who the message is exchanged with. What is Ecert?

4 General Ecert Principles! An internet-based solution. IT solution based on user functional requirements & specifications (i.e. the business rules). Has a database component to record & manage user operations (e.g. user permissions, passwords & logons), input (e.g. records of certification requests) and system information (e.g. certification records)

5 Internet-based means? Server-based IT solutions that provide or consume services through the internet. Users communicate with the server-based solution by using a web browser. The solution processes the user requests and automatically facilitates communications between the appropriate participating parties (e.g. certification body)

6 Guiding Principles Authentication of source and security of assurance data are paramount There must be a common understanding of the certification data to be exchanged (i.e. ISPM12) Simple message transaction types Focus on transporting certification data rather than total system end-to-end functionality Loose coupling rather than tight coupling Standard rules of engagement

7 Ecert Business model Government CERTIFICATION Processing Plant/Store Exporter Farm Overseas Authorities Customer TRANSPORT Importer E-cert 1 2 Company Requests E-cert by supplying product information Government Agency Verify E-cert data 4 Import CA acknowledges receipt of cert data 2 3 E-cert Issues hard copy certificate 1 E-cert Issues electronic Certificate data

8 Reduce risks Strengthen assurances by ensuring authenticity Minimises opportunities for certificate fraud Opportunities for improved risk management & efficiencies (e.g. pre-clearance of electronic assurances) Benefits of electronic certification

9 Core features may include: Electronic production of hard copy certificates. Online data entry Batch (B2G) data entry Online view/verification of certificate request data Local language Use of UN/CEFACT SPS XML data Schema Online clearance of certification data Online user manual Collection of business intelligence/statistical data

10 How does an Ecert application work? The user connects through an internet address (e.g. https://ecps......) https://ecps The web-server “listens” for requests to specific addresses. The web-server controls access to the solution through username & passwords. The web-server passes requests from known (authenticated) users to the solution. The solution processes user requests and communicates via the internet.

11 Ecert is NOT! The detailed & often complex certification systems, registers & data bases (i.e. that sit in behind an internet-based Ecert solution). Faxed certificates Scanned &/or Emailed certificates

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