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 Godly Play Nourishing Children’s Spirituality: A Case Study Brendan Hyde (2010) EDRE629 assessment item 2 (part 2) Prepared by: Madeleine Daly Prepared.

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1  Godly Play Nourishing Children’s Spirituality: A Case Study Brendan Hyde (2010) EDRE629 assessment item 2 (part 2) Prepared by: Madeleine Daly Prepared for: Ann Maree Whenman & Group 3

2  Godly Play Nourishing Children’s Spirituality: A Case Study Brendan Hyde (2010) EDRE629 assessment item 2 (part 2) Prepared by: Madeleine Daly Prepared for: Ann Maree Whenman & Group 3 Pause for reflection

3 Presentation overview 1. Key insights from the text  What is Godly Play?  Characteristics of children’s spirituality 2. Connections to prior learning  Link between ‘spirituality’ and ‘religion’  Critique of the literature 3. Implications for teachers

4 Presentation overview CONTEXT  Brisbane Catholic Primary school  Beginning teacher 1. Key insights from the text  What is Godly Play?  Characteristics of children’s spirituality 2. Connections to prior learning  Link between ‘spirituality’ and ‘religion’  Critique of the literature 3. Implications for teachers

5 What is Godly Play?  Godly play:  Specific learning space provided  Story telling with visual aids (e.g. 3D objects)  Students respond independently with an activity using materials available in the room  Group wondering:  Group reflects on the story  Make connections with own lives and relationship with God 1. Key insights from the reading https://s-media-cache- 07f710b9f42fc870303fa749308b0a. jpg

6 What is Godly Play?  Develop the Christian language system in a community setting  Provides the language tools necessary to address life’s problems and to interact with God. (Berryman, 2009) 1. Key insights from the reading Provides students with language tools that foster: Lifelong learning Autonomy

7 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

8 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

9 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

10 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

11 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

12 Children’s spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) 1. Key insights from the reading

13 Children’s Spirituality Characteristics of children’s spirituality (Hyde, 2010) Benefits for students The Felt Sense Tactile sensory activity in the ‘here-and- now’ Holistic environments that cater to diversity (Bellous & Csinos, 2009) Integrating Awareness Emerging consciousness integrating with current cognition and action Develop cognitive skills that improve quality of work and optimal functioning Weaving the threads of meaning Make sense of the world from a range of sources and experiences Combining prior knowledge with new information information to make informed judgements Spiritual questioning Seeking a sense of purpose to improve quality of life Pursuing morally intelligent values as part of active citizenship (Tirri, 2012) Pause for reflection Are there any other benefits for the students in your context? 1. Key insights from the reading

14 ‘Spirituality’ and ‘Religion’ Teachers foster positive wellbeing (spirituality) by:  Drawing attention to the process of moral reasoning  Identifying and justifying what matters in our lives  Promoting personal responsibility (Mergler, Spencer & Patton, 2008) Linking spirituality into religious education:  Providing depth and meaning to what we do in our lives based on the lessons of the Gospel Spirituality has a place in religious education 2. Connections to prior learning (Ranson, p. 19, 2002)

15 Critique of the literature 2. Connections to prior learning Spirituality is “rooted in the psychology of the individual [and] not fully open to public scrutiny” (Rossiter, 2011, p. 60)

16 Critique of the literature 2. Connections to prior learning Spirituality is “rooted in the psychology of the individual [and] not fully open to public scrutiny” (Rossiter, 2011, p. 60) Pause for reflection Do you agree or disagree with this critique? How have you evidenced spiritual development in your own classroom?

17 Implications for Religious Educators Suggestions for teachers using a story-telling framework:  One-on-one consultations  Think-pair-share activities with peers  Journal writing 3. Implications for teachers Are there some strategies educators can employ in order to gather evidence of students’ internal experiences of spirituality?

18 Implications for Religious Educators Suggestions for teachers using a story-telling framework:  One-on-one consultations  Think-pair-share activities with peers  Journal writing 3. Implications for teachers Are there some strategies educators can employ in order to gather evidence of students’ internal experiences of spirituality? Pause for reflection Do you have any suggestions for how to observe students’ development of spirituality?

19 References Bellous, J. E., & Csinos, D. M. (2009). Spiritual styles: Creating an environment to nurture spiritual wholeness. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 14(3), 213-224. Berryman, J. W. (2009). Teaching Godly Play: How to mentor the spiritual development of children. Denver, CO: Morehouse Education and Resources. Hyde, B. (2010). Godly Play nourishing children’s spirituality: A case study. Religious Education, 105(5), 504-518. doi: 10.1080/00344087.2010.516215. Mergler, A. G., Spencer, F. H., & Patton, W. A. (2008). Personal responsibility: The creation, implementation and evaluation of a school-based program. Journal of Student Wellbeing, 2(1), 35-51. Montessori Australia Foundation (n.d.). Montessori Australia. Retrieved from Ranson, D. (2002). Across the Great Divide Bridging Spirituality and Religion Today. Strathfield, NSW: St Pauls Publications. Rossbach, H. (2000). Life-long learning in the perspective of primary school education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 8(2), 73-88. doi: 10.1080/13502930085208581. Rossiter, G. (2011). Reorienting the religion curriculum in Catholic schools to address the needs of contemporary youth spirituality. International Studies in Catholic Education, 3(1), 57-72. doi: 10.1080/19422539.2011.540140. Tirri, K. (2012). Religious and spiritual education as contributors to the development of the whole person. In T. van der Zee & T. J. Lovat. New Perspectives on Religious and Spiritual Education (Vol. 4) (pp. 269-280). New York, NY: Waxmann Publishing.

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