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Equations and Inequalities Grade 6 Standard 1.B.2.a.

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1 Equations and Inequalities Grade 6 Standard 1.B.2.a.

2 Fun Facts Variables are used in expressions and sentences. An expression is part of a sentence such as J + 2.7. A sentence using = is called an equation.

3 Use a variable and translate the words into an equation. Mica wants to buy a new camera that costs $ 86. He already saved $ 35. Write an equation to show how much more money he needs. Step 1: Use M to stand for the money Mica needs to buy the camera. Step 2: What operation do the words “how much more money” suggest?

4 The process continues… They suggest addition. Mica has $ 35 and he needs to add M dollars more. Step 3: Write the equation to show how much more money he needs. 35 + M = 86

5 Can we find the value of M? 35 + M = 86 Now that we have the equation, we can solve for M. To solve for a variable we must get the variable by itself on one side of the equation and the numbers on the other side of the equation. We will have another power point demonstrating those skills.

6 Let’s try another… The length of Margo’s living room is 2.45 meters longer than the width of the room. The length of the room is 7.85 meters. Use W for the width of the room and write an equation to show the relationship. Step 1: Let W stand for width of the room. Step 2: What operation suggests “longer”? Addition

7 The Process Continues… The length is more than the width. We must add 2.45 to the width to get the length. W + 2.45 = Length Step 3: Write the equation W + 2.45 = 7.85

8 Now let’s try inequalities. Holly wants to buy 4 cases of soda for the class party. She wants to spend less than $ 100 for the soda. Use the variable S for the cost of each case and develop an inequality for the relationship. Step 1: Let S stand for the cost of a case of soda.

9 Next… Step 2: Which words suggest the type of symbol to use in the inequality? The words: She wants to spend less than $ 100 for the soda. This suggests that the symbol is <. Step 3: Write an inequality with the variable S. 4 x S < $ 100

10 Let us try another. Jodie said if she were 2 1/2 inches taller, she would be over 60 inches tall. Let J stand for Jodie’s height and develop an inequality for the relationship.

11 Let’s follow the steps to develop the inequality. Step 1: J stands for Jodie’s height. Step 2: Which words suggest the type of symbol to use in the inequality. The words: she would be over 60 inches tall. This suggests that the symbol is >. Step 3: Write the inequality J + 2 1/2 > 60 Jodie’s height plus 2 1/2 inches is greater than 60 inches.

12 Important Use the variable and translate the words into an equation or inequality. Look at the words and identify the operation they suggest. When creating an inequality decide which words suggest the type of symbol to use in the inequality.

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