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20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt 20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt History &

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Presentation on theme: "20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt 20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt History &"— Presentation transcript:

1 20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt 20pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40pt 50 pt 10pt History & Geography Government Social Structure Religion Art & Science

2 What was the name of Rome’s trading post?

3 Ostia

4 Rome’s trading post is at the mouth of which river?

5 Tiber

6 What protected Rome from invaders from the North?

7 The Alps

8 How did Rome get it’s name

9 Legend of Remus and Romulus. Romulus won the fight.

10 What does SPQR stand for?

11 Senatus Publius Quo Romanus

12 How long is a Senator’s term?

13 Life!

14 What did the plebeians do to gain power in government?

15 They went on strike- They stopped working!

16 How many consuls were in the government of the Republic? And for how long?

17 2 / for 1 year only

18 What are the Twelve Tables?

19 The first written law in Rome for all. They were written on 12 bronze tablets set up in the forum for all to see.

20 Social Standing relied on…

21 Birth and wealth: Born free or slave/ Rich or poor

22 How could someone become Emperor?

23 Hereditary or by Force

24 Who was the head of the household?

25 The Father

26 At what age was a boy considered a man? And what did it mean?

27 16 He was now a citizen. He could vote. He traded purple clothes for white.

28 What were the popular forms of entertainment?

29 Chariot races and gladiator games

30 What was the name of the track where the chariot races were held?

31 Circus Maximus

32 Who is the king of gods?

33 Jupiter

34 Who is the god of war?

35 mars

36 Who is the new Artemis? (goddess of the moon)

37 Diana

38 How does someone become a priest in Rome?

39 Must be elected

40 Why was Jesus arrested and put to death?

41 For claiming to be the “King of the Jews”

42 Fill in the blanks to this famous saying: « ALL ______ lead to _______ »

43 All Roads Lead to Rome

44 What is the name of the calendar that ours is based on?

45 The Julian Calendar

46 Who wrote the first Roman History books?

47 Titus Livius

48 Although the exterior of the home was not important, what could you find on the floors?

49 Mosaics- coloured tiles in beautiful designs

50 What animal did doctors disect?

51 apes

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