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Lightboard Design and Deployment: Creating Learning Resources Michael Paskevicius, Carl Butterworth, and Stephanie Boychuk Centre for Innovation and Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "Lightboard Design and Deployment: Creating Learning Resources Michael Paskevicius, Carl Butterworth, and Stephanie Boychuk Centre for Innovation and Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lightboard Design and Deployment: Creating Learning Resources Michael Paskevicius, Carl Butterworth, and Stephanie Boychuk Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning Vancouver Island University

2 Launched at VIU in 2013 Powered by Kaltura Hosts video, audio, and images All data hosted on campus Videos private by default Integrated with local systems Uses VIU user accounts Integration with LMS, blogs, and websites Advertisement free


4 Talking head video Classroom or lab video basics Animation/simulation video Lecture capture video Screencast video Lightboard video Mock Interview

5 Taxonomy of Instructional Video Types Step-by-step training Steps involved in a complex or detailed process See the un-seeable or difficult to replicate processes Under the microscope, dissections, electrical processes Foundational knowledge (to support flipped classroom) Core knowledge for application and usage in class Prompt discussion News clips, debates, and world events Enhancing teaching presence (particularly for fully online courses) Weekly check-ins, introductions

6 How do we identify quality in instructional video?

7 Quality indicators as reported by students Sadik, A. (2015). Students’ preferences for types of video lectures: Lecture capture vs. screencasting recordings. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, 30(2). Retrieved from

8 Accessibility - Video allows the viewer to focus on areas of the screen that are relevant to the instruction at hand. Viewability - Production quality (audio, video, text) is sufficient to make content tolerably watchable. Timing - Video is paced to make it easy for viewers to follow content. Physical design Accuracy - Content presented without errors of fact or execution. Completeness - Content presented in an organizing superstructure and with sufficient detail so as to be accurately reproduced and broadly applied. Pertinence - Content related to the instructional goal, and it had an instructional purpose. Cognitive design Confidence - Narrator inspires confidence by presenting self as knowledgeable and skilled. Narrator may also inspire confidence by association with a reputable organization. Self-Efficacy - Video persuades viewers that they can successfully complete the tasks that are the focus of instruction. Engagement - Video is designed to interest and motivate users. Affective design Morain, M., & Swarts, J. (2012). YouTutorial: A framework for assessing instructional online video. Technical communication quarterly, 21 (1), 6-24. Retrieved from

9 Using video as a part of a teaching and learning strategy Learning outcomes Start with the articulation of learning outcomes What will my students be able to do after watching this video? Teaching and learning strategy How will the use of video enhance learning? Is the purpose of the video to introduce new concepts or support a class activity? Assessment and evaluation methods How will you know your video is effective? What activities or assessments can I map into the lesson in order to measure the outcome? Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. More ideas: technology/teaching-technology/instructional-video technology/teaching-technology/instructional-video

10 TedED: Instructional wrap for using video Watch Think Develop questions about contents of video Dig Deeper Draw connections to real life, bridging the abstract to the concrete Discuss Ask the larger questions in relation to the video to prompt significant discussion

11 Current state of affairs VIUTube (Kaltura) solved the video distribution challenge Ad free, private sharing, locally hosted Problem of how to create quality and meaningful educational video remains Various toolsets emerging Video editing – iMovie, MovieMaker, Adobe Premier Screencasting - Camtasia, Jing Lecture capture - Video camera / Mobile phone, Swivl Whiteboard style animations – Videoscribe Tablet screencasting – EduCreations, Screenchomp, Adobe Voice …and now the VIU Lightboard!

12 Lightboard: One approach to solving the instructional video creation challenge Site design specifications from Northwestern University:






18 How best could we use the Lightboard?

19 Some lessons learned We are asking faculty to come with a plan, considering how the use of the Lightboard aligns with their learning outcomes and how this will be assessed Videos should be planned to cover small chunks of content, clearly delineated problems, or calculations Don’t plan on cleaning the board during a video Dress appropriately! Avoid standing directly behind text and content written on the board

20 Future applications: Innovations Atop Video HP5 HTML5 Kaltura – Combining media and video Kaltura – In video polling and questions

21 Questions and comments Photo Credit: anieto2k licensed under Creative Commons BY-SAanieto2kCreative Commons BY-SA

22 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Prepared by: Michael Paskevicius Learning Technologies Application Developer Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning Follow me:

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