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Vorlesung Codierungstheorie Quellencodierung Bild- und Videokompression.

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Presentation on theme: "Vorlesung Codierungstheorie Quellencodierung Bild- und Videokompression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vorlesung Codierungstheorie Quellencodierung Bild- und Videokompression

2 # 203.07.2016 Gordon Cichon Entropy Coding: Unary Coding  Golomb Coding Static Huffman Coding Adaptive Huffman Coding Arithmetic Coding Run Length Encoding (RLE)  e.g. BMP Differential Encoding Context Sensitive Coding Lempel-Ziv-* LZ77  Gameboy LZW (Welch)  GIF, TIFF Deflate  PNG, zlib, zip, etc. Lossy Image Coding  JPEG The human eye Color Space Conversion, RGB  YUV YCrCb, Chroma Subsampling Blocks 8x8, Discrete Cosine Transformation (H.264: wavelet transform) Ordering of Coefficients, Differentical Coding of DC color Thresholding Entropy Encoding Effects: low-contrast edges, deblocking filter Video Coding: MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264 Analog video (also for BMP): CRT scan order Prediction: spatial, temporal I-Frames 1e6 bit, P-Frames 3e5 bit, B-Frames 1e5 bit Motion Compensation, Optical Flow, Lukas Canade

3 03.07.2016 Gordon Cichon 3 Numeral Systems unary systems additive systems: (roman: I, II, III, IV, V, X, C, M, MMXI) positional systems common base: 2, 10, 16 10216 111 2102 3113 41004 51015 61106 71117 810008 910019 101010A 111011B 121100C 131101D 141110E 151111F 161000010

4 03.07.2016 Dr. Gordon Cichon 4 Example: Numeral Systems Example: 2014 10 2014-1024 = 990-512 = 478-256 = 222-128 = 98-64 = 30 30-16 = 14-8 = 6-4 = 2-2 = 0 binary:111 1101 1110 2 hexadecimal: 7DE 16 2020 1 2121 2 2 4 2323 8 2424 16 2525 32 2626 64 2727 128 2828 256 2929 512 2 10 1024 2 11 2048 2 12 4096

5 Run Length Encoding Compresses Repetition of Symbols e.g. A A A B B B B B  3x A, 5x B Special case: binary data {0,1} 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1  3, 5 Disadvantage: compressed data may be longer than original Soltution: Escape symbol with original data A A A L M U B B B B B  3x A, ESC LMU, 5x B Examples: BMP image format # 503.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann

6 Windows Bitmap Format (BMP) # 603.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann OffsetTypeNameDescription 0uint16_tbfType„BM“ = 0x42 0x4D 2uint32_tbfSizeTotal size in bytes 6uint32_tbfReserved0 10uint32_tbfOffBitsOffset to image data (54 if no color table) 14uint32_tbiSize40 (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) 18uint32_tbiWidthWidth of image 22uint32_tbiHeightHeight of image (negative: top-down, positive: bottom-up) 26uint16_tbiPlanes1 28uint16_tbiBitCountBits per pixel (1,4,8,16,24,32)

7 Windows Bitmap Format (BMP) – Part 2 # 703.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann OffsetTypeNameDescription 30uint32_tbiCompression0: BI_RGB 1: BI_RLE4 2: BI_RLE8 3: BI_BITFIELDS 34uint32_tbiSizeImageSize of image data in bytes 38uint32_tbiXPelsPerMet er Bits per pixel in X direction (or 0) 42uint32_tbiYPelsPerMet er Bits per pixel in Y direction (or 0) 46uint32_tbiClrUsedNumber of entries in color table (max 2 biBitCount ) 50uint32_tbiClrImportantSame as biClrUsed

8 Windows Bitmap Format (BMP) – Part 3 Color Table: biClrUsed entries of form: Blue, green, red, „0“ as bytes Image data: 24 bpp  blue, green, red as bytes 1,4,8 bpp  index into color table # 803.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann

9 Windows Bitmap Format (BMP) – RLE BI_RLE4, BL_RLE8 in biCompression (offset 30) Two bytes (a, b)  a times „b“ e.g. A A A B B B B B  0x03 0x41 0x05 0x42 If a=0: # 903.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann Value of bDescription 0End of image line 1End of image 2(a‘,b‘): Skip a‘ columns and b‘ rows 3-255ESC for b bytes (align to 16 bits)

10 Differential Encoding # 1003.07.2016 Referat Markus Mustermann EncoderDecoder

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