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MALIGNANT MELANOMA. Outline Introduction Aetiology Types Invasion and Metastasis Risk Factors Diagnosis and Staging Treatment and Prevention.

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2 Outline Introduction Aetiology Types Invasion and Metastasis Risk Factors Diagnosis and Staging Treatment and Prevention

3 Skin: Epidermis - Melanocytes Melanocytes: –In stratum basale –Pale “halo” of cytoplasm –Neural crest –Produce melanin and pass it on to nearby keratinocytes –Melanin covers nuclei of nearby keratinocytes –Skin colour depends on melanocytes activity, rather than the number present

4 MALIGNANT MELANOMA A tumour arising from melanocytes of the basal layer of the epidermis Less commonly – uveal tract (eye) and meningeal membranes

5 AETIOLOGY The cause is unknown. Excessive exposure to sunlight Genetic predisposition

6 RISK FACTORS FOR MELANOMA Large numbers of benign naevi Clinically atypical naevi Severe sunburn Early years in a tropical climate Family history of MM

7 Clinical features Occur anywhere on the skin –Females (commonest is lower leg) –Males ( back). Early melanoma is pain free. The only symptom if present is mild irritation or itch.

8 AIDS IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS GLASGOW SYSTEM Major: Change in size Irregular pigment Irregular outline Minor: Diameter >6mm Inflammation Oozing/bleeding Itch/altered sensation AMERICAN ‘ABCDE’ SYSTEM Asymmetry Border Colour Diameter Evolution

9 Evolving; a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape, or color

10 TYPES OF MELANOMA Superficial spreading Malignant melanoma Nodular melanoma Letingo maligna melanoma Acral malanoma

11 SUPERFICIAL SPREADING The most common type of MM in the white-skinned population – 70% of cases Commonest sites – lower leg in females and back in males In early stages may be small, then growth becomes irregular

12 NODULAR Commoner in males Trunk is a common site Rapidly growing Usually thick with a poor prognosis Black/brown nodule Ulceration and bleeding are common

13 ACRAL LENTIGINOUS MELANOMA In white-skinned population this accounts for 10% of MMs, but is the commonest MM in nonwhite-skinned nations Found on palms and soles Usually comprises a flat lentiginous area with an invasive nodular component

14 SUBUNGAL MELANOMA Rare Often diagnosed late – confusion with benign subungal naevus, paronychial infections, trauma Hutchinson’s sign – spillage of pigment onto the surrounding nailfold

15 LENTIGO MALIGNA MELANOMA Occurs as a late development in a lentigo maligna Mainly on the face in elderly patients May be many years before an invasive nodule develops

16 DDx Superficial spreading melanomas Benign melanocytic naevi. Nodular melanomas Vascular tumor Histiocytoma Latingo maligna melanoma Seborrhic keratoses


18 PROGNOSTIC VARIABLES The Breslow thickness is the single most important prognostic variable (distance in mm of the furthest tumour cell from the basal layer of the epidermis) Breslow depth 5 year survival In situ95-100% <1mm95-100% 1-2mm80-96% 2.1-4mm60-75% >4mm50%

19 Scalp lesions worse prognosis, then palms and soles, then trunk, then extremeties Younger women appear to do better than either men at any stage or women over 50 Ulceration of the tumour surface is a high risk factor

20 MANAGEMENT Surgical resection of tumour MOHS technique Lymph node dissection Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Immunotherapy

21 Prevention Reduce risk factor exposure: Covering up (sunscreen, sunglasses, clothes) Avoidance (less time in sun) Screening (possibly feasible)

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