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Case study: Measuring Impact at the Danish Child Helpline v/Trine Natasja Sindahl, MsC Psychology and PhD Fellow.

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Presentation on theme: "Case study: Measuring Impact at the Danish Child Helpline v/Trine Natasja Sindahl, MsC Psychology and PhD Fellow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case study: Measuring Impact at the Danish Child Helpline v/Trine Natasja Sindahl, MsC Psychology and PhD Fellow

2 The Outcome Model Input Activity Output IMMEDIATE OUTCOME INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME FINAL OUTCOME Documenting effects Developing services

3 v/ cand.psych. Trine Natasja Sindahl

4 The Outcome Model Input (ressources) Activity (training of counsellors) Output (sessions handled) IMMEDIATE OUTCOME (children feel better/knows what to do) INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME (Positive changes are made in children's lives) FINAL OUTCOME (children’s rights protected) Every session documented since 1987

5 The Outcome Model Input (ressources) Activity (training of counsellors) Output (sessions handled) IMMEDIATE OUTCOME (children feel better/knows what to do) INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME (Positive changes are made in children’s lives) FINAL OUTCOME (children’s rights protected) User evaluation on chat counselling since 2009 Ditto on SMS counselling since 2012

6 The Outcome Model Input (ressources) Activity (training of counsellors) Output (sessions handled) IMMEDIATE OUTCOME (children feel better/knows what to do) INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME (Positive changes are made in childrens lives) FINAL OUTCOME (children’s rights protected) And with a 2 week follow up on the SMS service since 2015 Log of every SMS session since 2015 (for research purpose only)

7 What impact? OutcomeIndicator Well-being After contact with the child helpline the child experience improved well-being. Empowerment Through contact with the child helpline the child is enabled to – alone or with others – enact change in life terms and conditions. To be heard The child experiences being able to talk freely and being taken seriously by the child helpline.


9 Average number of characters per SMS from counsellor I was taken seriously I now have an idea about what to do

10 Chat counselling ”Pop-up” questionnaire immediately after the session ends. Counsellor register: Age, gender, family relations Reasons for contact and related issues How the session was handled Qualitative case in app 30% of the sessions Repeated callers User evaluation and counsellor registration is connected through unique ID Answering rate: 30-37%

11 I feel better/worse I was (not) taken seriously We (did not) talk about, what I wanted to talk about I (don’t) have a better overview of my problem I (don’t) know what to do now

12 I feel better/worse I was (not) taken seriously We (did not) talk about, what I wanted to talk about I (don’t) have a better overview of my problem I (don’t) know what to do now Har fået det bedre/værre -,623 **,610 **,740 **,708 ** I was (not) taken seriously --,665 **,603 **,588 ** We (did not) talk about, what I wanted to talk about ---,635 **,594 ** I (don’t) have a better overview of my problem ----,751 ** I (don’t) know what to do now ----- Koorlations -koorf. Under 0,50,5-0,60,6-0,70,7-0,8Over 0,8

13 I feel better/worse I was (not) taken seriously We (did not) talk about, what I wanted to talk about I (don’t) have a better overview of my problem I (don’t) know what to do now Counsellors evaluation Koorlations -koorf. Under 0,50,5-0,60,6-0,70,7-0,8Over 0,8

14 I feel better/worse I was (not) taken seriously We (did not) talk about, what I wanted to talk about I (don’t) have a better overview of my problem I (don’t) know what to do now Counsellors evaluation,357,345,354,359,379 Koorlations -koorf. Under 0,50,5-0,60,6-0,70,7-0,8Over 0,8

15 Other examples

16 We want to start an SMS counselling service – but still maintain high quality

17 Top and bottom 5


19 Examples on how it’s used to improve services

20 Why don’t boys contact us? Is it because they need to be approached differently in the helpline? Npige=2.956, Ndreng=515

21 Counsellor and child gender Felt better Child = boyChild = girl Counsellor = man 3,63,8 Counsellor = woman 3,93,7

22 These were examples of how data can be used for… Quality control Pre examinations before starting up new projects Developing services Documenting effects of new projects or services Monitoring …

23 Thank you

24 Ethical issues The data collection is approved by the Danish Data Protection Agency Anonymity and confidentiality Counsellor nor researcher will not at any time have access to the child's phone number. Informed consent: Before getting through to a counsellor the child is informed that the session will be logged for the purpose of improving the service. The child can disconnect and contact the helpline through chat or telephone. As the session is ended by counsellor an automated text is sent to the child with link to the questionnaire. This is done immediately after the session is ended. Children who answer the End Session Questionnaire is asked permission to sent them a link to a new questionnaire after 2 weeks. Only children who has accepted receives the Follow Up Questionnaire. It is possible for the child to change his or her mind later. Follow Up Questionnaire is sent to the child on a weekday at 7.30 pm. The counsellors has been informed about the research project.

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