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The Distinctiveness of the Church (4) Ecclesiology.

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1 The Distinctiveness of the Church (4) Ecclesiology

2 Relationship of the church to the Kingdom If one were to try to summarize the relationship of the church to the kingdom, he would have to say that it is related but not equivalent to certain concepts of the kingdom; it is unrelated to another concept; and it is equivalent to another. The concept of the kingdom must be defined before one can determine the relationship of the church to it.

3 The relation of the church to Israel The distinction stated: “The church stands distinct from Israel and did not begin until the Day of Pentecost, and thus did not exist in the Old Testament period.” Israel was God’s vehicle to prepare for the Messiah, the church is Christ’s body, made up of those who respond in faith to the Messiah in this age.

4 The relation of the Church to this age The distinction stated: “The church did not exist in Old Testament times but was constituted on the Day of Pentecost. It is distinct to this present time period.”

5 The relation of the Church to Christ Jesus is the Founder and Foundation of the church, appointing his apostles to lay the foundation of the church with the new doctrine he taught them. Jesus bought the church with his own blood and became head of the Church by the resurrection and ascension. Jesus gives gifts to the church for the furtherance of church health and life, and sent the Holy Spirit to guide the church into all truth.

6 Holy Spirit: Spirit baptism The Lord Jesus promised Spirit baptism (Ac 1.5) The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost initiated that baptism (Ac 11.15-16) Since the founding day, new believers are baptized by the Spirit into the one body (1 Cor 12.13) The body of Christ is the church (Eph 1.22-33) Therefore, the church, the body, began at Pentecost with the baptism of the Spirit.

7 Holy Spirit: more Pentecost The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit (Ac 2.4) Three thousand converts were baptized with water (Ac 2.41) The visible church began to function (Ac 2.42-47)

8 Holy Spirit: other work Indwells individual Christians (1 Cor 6.19) Indwells local churches (1 Cor 3.16) Indwells the body of Christ (Eph 2.22) The Spirit empowers the church (Ac 1.8) The Spirit strengthens the church (Ac 9.31 – com + fort = with + strength) The Spirit gives gifts to the church (1 Cor 12.4) In a very real sense, the Spirit is the energizing life and power of the church.

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