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Edward VI and Mary I Religious Strife and Royal Intrigue, 1547-1558.

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2 Edward VI and Mary I Religious Strife and Royal Intrigue, 1547-1558

3 Tudor Geneology

4 Edward VI Ruled in name but not in fact under Somerset and Northumberland (Warwick) English Church was steered toward doctrinal and liturgical protestantism A major question was whether Catholic Mary would inherit the throne upon Edward’s death.

5 Lord Protector Somerset Policy to end French influence in Scotland actually magnified it and led Francis II to declare war in 1550. Riots across England in name of religion and due to rising prices caused by coinage debasement to pay for the Scottish war. Somerset insisted that head of state was head of church and his two prayer books were far more Protestant than the Henrecian.

6 Northumberland Ousted Somerset in 1550 Put down domestic unrest by employing foreign mercenaries and by restoring the coinage Attempted to place his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey—on throne to block Mary’s succession. (July 10-July 19, 1553)

7 Lady Jane Grey & Northumberland


9 Edwardian Reformation John Cheke (1514-1557) served as Edward’s tutor. 1549 Prayer Book—ambiguous on transubstantiation Repeal of Treason and Heresy laws make England a haven for continental heretics. Ordinal of 1550—Priests into Parsons 1552 Prayer Book—thoroughly Protestant 1552—Second Act of Uniformity

10 Mary and the Problem of Image Survived coup against her succession with help of the Howard family and the city of London Idea of “bloody Mary” is much the creature of John Foxe, Actes and Monuments She had at least 287 burned at stake but some of this was political—and it was consistent with an age of religious bigotry.

11 Mary and the Catholic Restoration She wanted England rejoined with Rome 1553—Parliament reversed H VIII’s annulment to Catherine of Aragon/restored Henrecian doctrines. Married Philip II Worked closely with Cardinal Reginald Pole Pole believed more in guiding and persuading folk of protestant error than in burning heretics Pole and Mary permitted many “Marian Exiles” to flee to Continent where they spread propaganda and worked in support of Protestant Elizabeth Marriage to Philip led many to fear the Spanish influence, which cost her support and loyalty (Thomas Wyatt rebellion)

12 Philip II & Cardinal Pole

13 Mary’s Successes Save for restoring church lands, Mary had parliament re-enact the heresy laws and repealed the protestant prayer books (makes you wonder how “religious” these folk were.) Financial stability begun under Northumberland was continued.

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