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Rayden Wang Summer Arm Art by: Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison.

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Presentation on theme: "Rayden Wang Summer Arm Art by: Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rayden Wang Summer Arm Art by: Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

2 The arm is between nature and machines. The arm is shown on its side to show both the nature and the tecnology.

3 Needles are injecting the arm

4 Nature springs from the arm

5 Out of all the items in the picture, the arm takes up the least space

6 Rest of the body is cropped out

7 The lighting and color are both dulled. There is no significant contrast of lighting or color that makes one area stand out more. The only existing color contrast separates the grayer technology from the brighter organic life

8 The background is blank, in an unknown location. The time is modern times due to the machines

9 Character. This picture depicts a man’s arm. The arm is lying in a limp manner, only held up by metal pipes and supports. These supports appear to not only be supporting the arm, but injecting it. Growing on the top of the arm are flowers and plants, with butterflies flying above. The pipes and tools represent what we put into the earth, and the plants growing from the arm represent a possible result of what comes from what we put into the earth. If we put something positive into the world, nature gives us a positive outcome. If we put something negative into the world, nature gives us a negative outcome. We are the connection between nature and technology. Color. There is an obvious color contrast between the top and bottom of the arm. Below the arm are many dark metallic colors giving an industrious feeling; while above the arm there are more lively shades of green and yellow. Over all, the colors are slightly muted, as if the picture was printed on an old newspaper. These dulled colors dampen the otherwise exciting feeling that the action of growing life might suggest. This use of desaturated colors shows how life is not always a thing to be celebrated. It’s just something that exists. It is merely a part of this world and exists in everything. Light. The lighting, like the colors, is also muted. There is definitely less light underneath the arm, but there is not enough light contrast to make one section of the picture stand out. This leaves us to observe the image as a whole instead of focusing on individual parts. This shows how humans are no more important than the things they create or any other part of nature. Angle The arm is shown on its side, allowing the viewer to see both sides of the arm clearly. To the right is the rest of the man, but he is cut off from the picture as the man as a whole is not as important. The rest of the metal pipes and instruments are cut off at the bottom. It is assumed that there is more piping, showing how the “big picture” isn’t presented to us. The top of the picture is wide open, indicating that growth cannot be limited. Proportion The name “Summer Arm” suggests that the arm is the main focus, but the metal instruments, and nature take up more space than the arm. This devalues the man, making him just nutrition for the growing life. Placement. By cropping out everything but the arm, the artist is showing that what we make is no more important than what is found in nature. By placing the arm in the middle, the artist shows that we humans are connected to both the natural world and the technological world. However, due to the cropped out nature of the body and only showing the arm, the artist shows that our labor is a part of the cycle of nature because of what we do while we are alive. Setting The image takes place on a white background in an unknown time and place. This lack of information is important as it shows that this cycle of nature can happen anytime. For as long as humans have farmed, we have been invented ways to try and control nature, but instead of actually controlling nature, we find ourselves as a part of its cycle.

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