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Jeopardy Standard 1a Standard 5c Standard 5e Standard 6a Standard 6e Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Standard 1a Standard 5c Standard 5e Standard 6a Standard 6e Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Standard 1a Standard 5c Standard 5e Standard 6a Standard 6e Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Standard 1a What was the House of Burgesses?

4 $100 Answer from Standard 1a First legislative assembly in the New World

5 $200 Question from Standard 1a What caused Jamestown’s near failure?

6 $200 Answer from Standard 1a Swampy site chosen for its settlement

7 $300 Question from Standard 1a Why did the Virginia Company survive?

8 $300 Answer from Standard 1a Because they began growing tobacco for sale

9 $400 Question from Standard 1a What event caused the colonies to decrease use of indentured servants?

10 $400 Answer from Standard 1a Bacon’s Rebellion

11 $500 Question from Standard 1a New England town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses are examples of what growing in the colonies?

12 $500 Answer from Standard 1a Representative Democracy

13 $100 Question from Standard 5c What did the Great Compromise resolve?

14 $100 Answer from Standard 5c Representation in Congress

15 $200 Question from Standard 5c What amendment limits the powers of the central government?

16 $200 Answer from Standard 5c Amendment 10- Power of the states and people

17 $300 Question from Standard 5c Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

18 $300 Answer from Standard 5c To protect individual liberties from abuse by the federal government

19 $400 Question from Standard 5c Why did the framers of the Constitution believe freedom of the press to be an essential right?

20 $400 Answer from Standard 5c It helps balance the power of the government

21 $500 Question from Standard 5c What key idea of the Constitution was discussed by Baron de Montesquieu in his 1748 book The Spirit of Laws?

22 $500 Answer from Standard 5c Separation of Powers

23 $100 Question from Standard 5e What were Washington’s goals as President?

24 $100 Answer from Standard 5e To avoid political parties and avoid foreign conflicts

25 $200 Question from Standard 5e What event demonstrated that the Constitution granted authority to the President to enforce laws and that Washington was determined to see those laws enforced ?

26 $200 Answer from Standard 5e Whiskey Rebellion

27 $300 Question from Standard 5e The first political parties developed due to a disagreement over what issue?

28 $300 Answer from Standard 5e Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan

29 $400 Question from Standard 5e What did the Assumption Bill say?

30 $400 Answer from Standard 5e The government would assume the war debts of the states – to be shared equally

31 $500 Question from Standard 5e The beliefs of Hamilton developed into what political party?

32 $500 Answer from Standard 5e Federalists

33 $100 Question from Standard 6a What legislation established the procedures for the orderly expansion of the United States?

34 $100 Answer from Standard 6a Northwest Ordinance

35 $200 Question from Standard 6a What was banned in the Northwest Territory?

36 $200 Answer from Standard 6a Slavery

37 $300 Question from Standard 6a Creating new states under this legislation set the stage for the Civil War by creating what problem?

38 $300 Answer from Standard 6a Balancing free and slave states

39 $400 Question from Standard 6a What was recognized as important for the first time and would lead to its sponsorship by the state?

40 $400 Answer from Standard 6a Education

41 $500 Question from Standard 6a Where was the Northwest Territory?

42 $500 Answer from Standard 6a Bordered by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and the Great Lakes– the future states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana

43 $100 Question from Standard 6e What caused President Monroe to establish the Monroe Doctrine in a speech to Congress?

44 $100 Answer from Standard 6e Foreign Expansion

45 $200 Question from Standard 6e What did the Monroe Doctrine say?

46 $200 Answer from Standard 6e European powers should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere by establishing new colonies

47 $300 Question from Standard 6e How would the US perceive any interference?

48 $300 Answer from Standard 6e As a threat to the United States

49 $400 Question from Standard 6e What impact did President Monroe’s speech have at the time?

50 $400 Answer from Standard 6e None because the United States did not have the authority to enforce it

51 $500 Question from Standard 6e What did the US agree to do if Europe stayed out of the Western Hemisphere?

52 $500 Answer from Standard 6e Stay out of Europe’s affairs

53 Final Jeopardy “In the compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.” – Excerpt from The Federalist #51 This passage argues that the Constitution will protect peoples’ rights through what system?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Checks and Balances

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