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Small Organic Molecules Genetics Proteins /DNA Small Organic Molecules How are they connected? Amino Acids.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Organic Molecules Genetics Proteins /DNA Small Organic Molecules How are they connected? Amino Acids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Organic Molecules Genetics Proteins /DNA Small Organic Molecules How are they connected? Amino Acids

2 Unaided eye 1 m 0.1 nm 10 m 0.1 m 1 cm 1 mm 100 µm 10 µ m 1 µ m 100 nm 10 nm 1 nm Length of some nerve and muscle cells Chicken egg Frog egg Most plant and Animal cells Smallest bacteria Viruses Ribosomes Proteins Lipids Small molecules Atoms Nucleus Most bacteria Mitochondrion Light microscope Electron microscope Human height Measurements 1 centimeter (cm) = 10  2 meter (m) = 0.4 inch 1 millimeter (mm) = 10 –3 m 1 micrometer (µm) = 10 –3 mm = 10 –6 m 1 nanometer (nm) = 10 –3 mm = 10 –9 m You Organic Molecules Cells Proteins / DNA (Genome) 206 bones 78 organs ~5 x 10 13 cells ~22,0003 x 10 9 bases millions Bones? Organs? # of cells? Powers of Ten moles of cells?

3 Unaided eye 1 m 0.1 nm 10 m 0.1 m 1 cm 1 mm 100 µm 10 µ m 1 µ m 100 nm 10 nm 1 nm Length of some nerve and muscle cells Chicken egg Frog egg Most plant and Animal cells Smallest bacteria Viruses Ribosomes Proteins Lipids Small molecules Atoms Nucleus Most bacteria Mitochondrion Light microscope Electron microscope Human height Measurements 1 centimeter (cm) = 10  2 meter (m) = 0.4 inch 1 millimeter (mm) = 10 –3 m 1 micrometer (µm) = 10 –3 mm = 10 –6 m 1 nanometer (nm) = 10 –3 mm = 10 –9 m Neanderthal Organic Molecules Cells Proteins / DNA (Genome) 206 bones Same as humans… organs? cells? 99.7% Same as humans millions Bones? Organs? # of cells? Powers of Ten moles of cells?

4 Genetic Controls Chromosomes (DNA/RNA) Male or female?

5 Common Functional Groups NameGeneral Formula AlcoholsR  EthersR  R AminesR   Carboxylic Acids Small Organic Molecules

6 Common Functional Groups Common Functional Groups NameGeneral Formula Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic Acids Esters Amides Small Organic Molecules

7 Amino Acids & Proteins Each amide group is called a peptide bond

8 Proteins Polypeptides, Amides and Proteins Proteins are polyamides, each amide group is called a peptide bond. Peptides are formed by condensation of the -COOH group of one amino acid and the –NH 2 group of another amino acid.

9 The 20 (22) Key Amino Acids Amino acids are compounds that contain a basic —NH 2 amine group and an acidic —CO 2 H carboxylic acid group. More than 700 amino acids occur naturally, but 20 (22?)of them are especially important. These 22 amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. All are  -amino acids. They differ in respect to the group attached to the  carbon.

10 Amino Acids: CCOO – R R H H3NH3NH3NH3N + The amino acids in proteins differ in respect to R (“the side chain”). The physical & chemical properties of the amino acid vary as the structure of R varies. The basic amino group and acidic carboxylic acid group are actually present as —NH 3 + and —CO 2 – respectively.

11 (Amide bond)

12 Proteins are Polymers of Amino Acids Peptides have various numbers of amino acids. Peptides are always written with the -NH 2 terminus on the left, -CO 2 H on the right. Each amino acid unit is called a residue. 2 residues = dipeptide, 3 residues = tripeptide, 12-20 residues = oligopeptide, Many residues = polypeptide.

13 Proteins (Polypeptides) Polypeptides Polypeptides are formed with a large number of amino acids (usually result in proteins with molecular weights between 6000 and 50 million amu). Protein Structure Primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids in the protein. A change in one amino acid can alter the biochemical behavior of the protein. Eg. Sickle Cell Anemia

14 Four Levels of Protein Structure 1 o : The linear sequence of amino acids and disulfide bonds. eg. ARDV:Ala. Arg. Asp. Val. 2 o : Local structures which include, folds, turns,  -helices and  -sheets held in place by hydrogen bonds. eg. hair curls, silk, denaturing egg albumin 3 o : 3-D arrangement of all atoms in a single polypeptide chain. eg. collagen 4 o : Arrangement of polypeptide chains into a functional protein, eg. hemoglobin.

15 Different Protein Types - Enzymes: Glutamine synthetase - 12 subunits of 468 residues each; total mol. wt. = 600,000 daltons Regulatory proteins: Insulin -  -alpha chain of 21 residues,  - beta chain of 30 residues; total mol. wt. of 5,733 amu Structural proteins: Collagen Connectin proteins,  - MW of 2.1 million g/mol; length = 1000 nm; can stretch to 3000 nm. Transport proteins: Hemoglobin Contractile proteins: Actin, Myosin Specialized proteins: Antifreeze in fish (A gene was first defined as: one piece of DNA that codes for one protein. The definition is being expanded beyond proteins to include certain types of RNA.)

16 Proteins: Size, Shape & Self Assembly

17 Protein Structure 1 o : The linear sequence of amino acids and disulfide bonds eg. ARDV:Ala. Arg. Asp. Val. 2 o : Local structures which include, folds, turns,  -helices and  -sheets held in place by hydrogen bonds. 3 o : 3-D arrangement of all atoms in a single polypeptide chain. 4 o : Arrangement of polypeptide chains into a functional protein, eg. hemoglobin.


19 Hair: α-Helix Annenberg World of Chemistry #23 Proteins :

20 Hair: α-Helix

21 Silk: β-Sheets

22 Cooking the perfect egg: denaturing albumin perfectly softboiled

23 Protein Structure 1 o : The linear sequence of amino acids and disulfide bonds eg. ARDV:Ala. Arg. Asp. Val. 2 o : Local structures which include, folds, turns,  -helices and  -sheets held in place by hydrogen bonds. 3 o : 3-D arrangement of all atoms in a single polypeptide chain. 4 o : Arrangement of polypeptide chains into a functional protein, eg. hemoglobin.

24 Tertiary structure is determined by the interactions among and between R groups and the polypeptide backbone. While these three interactions are relatively weak, disulfide bridges, strong covalent bonds between the sulfhydryl groups (SH) of cysteine monomers, stabilize the structure.

25 Protein Shape: Forces, Bonds, Self Assembly, Folding 10-40kJ/mol 700-4,000kJ/mol 150-1000kJ/mol 0.05-40kJ/mol Ion-dipole (Dissolving) 40-600kJ/mol

26 Protein Structure 1 o : The linear sequence of amino acids and disulfide bonds eg. ARDV:Ala. Arg. Asp. Val. 2 o : Local structures which include, folds, turns,  -helices and  -sheets held in place by hydrogen bonds. 3 o : 3-D arrangement of all atoms in a single polypeptide chain. 4 o : Arrangement of polypeptide chains into a functional protein, eg. hemoglobin.

27 The quaternary structure of hemoglobin, Hb (A tetramer) Hb: two alpha units of 141 residues, 2 beta units of 146


29 Normal hemoglobin vs sickle cell hemoglobin Valine replaces Glutamate Valine replaces Glutamate

30 Summary

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