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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Levels of Order Scientific Method Life Processes Cell.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Levels of Order Scientific Method Life Processes Cell Organelles Microscope

2 Put the following in order: organ system tissue cell organelle organ organism

3 organelle  cell  tissue  organ  organ system  organism

4 All of the Euglena of the same species inhabiting your pond represent a…

5 Population

6 Some organisms living in your pond water include paramecium, amoeba, euglena, spirogyra, some small fish and a few aquatic plants. Collectively, these organisms represent….

7 Community

8 What includes the interactions between the organisms of a community and the physical factors of their environment?

9 Ecosystem

10 The temperature of your pond water represents what factor in the biosphere?

11 Abiotic factor

12 What is a hypothesis?

13 An educated guess of what you expect to happen.

14 If you were measuring the growth rate of plants under full sunlight for 8 hours a day versus plants that only have 4 hours of full sunlight per day, the amount of time per day of full sunlight would be what variable?

15 The independent variable

16 One hundred mice of the same age were divided into 2 groups of 50 mice. One group received a normal protein diet, while the other group received a low protein diet. Their daily weights were compared over a period of 7 days. What is the experimental group?

17 The 50 mice that are receiving the low protein diet.

18 Outline the general procedure of the scientific method.

19 Ask a question, formulate a hypothesis, design an experiment, execute the experiment, analyze the results, support or refute your hypothesis based on results, make a conclusion.

20 One hundred mice of the same age were divided into 2 groups of 50 mice. One group received a normal protein diet, while the other group received a low protein diet. Their daily weights were compared over a period of 7 days. Identify 3 constants in this experiment?

21 The mice are all the same age, the mice will be given the same amount of food in their groups, all the mice are weighed daily.

22 Which life process prevents the accumulation of metabolic wastes in a bald eagle?

23 Excretion

24 What is the sum of all chemical reactions in your body?

25 Metabolism

26 Which life process provides substances that may be used by an organism for its growth and for the repair of its tissue?

27 Nutrition

28 Small molecules are combined to form large molecules by what life process?

29 Synthesis

30 In an organism, the coordination of the activities that maintain homeostasis in a constantly changing environment is a life process known as what?

31 Regulation

32 Which cell organelle is most important in providing energy to the cell?

33 Mitochondria

34 What are the 3 components of the cell theory?

35 1) All cells arise from existing cells 2) All living things are made up of cells 3) All living things carry out the 8 life processes

36 What life function is associated with the vacuole?

37 Excretion

38 What kind of cell is this and how did you come to that conclusion?

39 Animal cell, because there is no cell wall or chloroplasts.

40 What is the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell.

41 A prokaryotic cell has no true nucleus or membrane bound organelles, whereas a eukaryotic cell does.

42 Determine the total magnification on low power using a compound microscope.

43 10 X 10 = 100 total magnification

44 Convert 4.3mm to micrometers

45 4300 micrometers

46 You view an object under low power and then switch to high power. What will happen to your field of view?

47 It will decrease Low power  High power

48 Describe the preparation of a wet mount.

49 Place the specimen on the slide, add a drop of water, top with a coverslip- careful not to get air bubbles under the coverslip

50 What part does number 11 represent and what is its function?

51 The diaphragm and it adjusts the amount of light that passes through the specimen.

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