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#AllIn4CLC EDDIE TAYLOR CEO Northern Santa Barbara County United

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Presentation on theme: "#AllIn4CLC EDDIE TAYLOR CEO Northern Santa Barbara County United"— Presentation transcript:

1 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020

2 EDDIE TAYLOR CEO Northern Santa Barbara County United Way @LiveUnited2020

3 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020 Great Things Happen When We Live United

4 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020 GALVANIZING the entire region around 5 SMART goals & strategies that prepare a highly qualified & literate workforce. A Collective Impact W orkforce A nd L iteracy I nitiative

5 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC How can you implement a Collective Impact Model in your community as a Small Cities United Way? Need to better position your organization to enable collective impact and see real, positive change in your community? Think “GALVANIZE”!

6 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  Gather Like Minds  Approach people you know who are open to big, new ideas  Make sure your “like minds” resonate with the need, the solution, and/or the process

7 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  ARTICULATE your concept as a solution, aligning it with the need it addresses  Use your “like minds” to help you articulate the concept and the need  Have group identify the people or types of people who should provide leadership for the effort

8 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  Establish LEADERSHIP  Recruit Leaders suggested by “Like Minds”  Consider a media figure or two for Leadership  Have Leadership and Like Minds jointly develop SMART goals and implementation strategies for the effort

9 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE LEADERS AND LIKE MINDS DEVELOP SMART GOALS Ours are very ambitious! By the end of 2020: Goal #1 Double the number of associate and bachelor degrees awarded from institutions in the region Goal #2 Foster the success of 1,000 adults per year in gaining basic literacy skills (reading with comprehension at the 8th grade level) through education, community or workplace literacy programs.

10 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE Goal #3 Double the number of career technical education (vocational/industrial) certificates awarded by target schools and training institutions Goal #4 Reduce by 50% the percentage of students unable to read at grade level (grades 3 ‐ 11) Goal #5 Increase the number of high-quality preschool and early child care spaces available to working families, in the Northern Santa Barbara County region, by 1,000.

11 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  Build VISIBILITY through implementation  Leverage constituencies of Like Minds, Leadership Team, elected and influencers to spread the word  Use data to generate interest  Take story to media from various angles  Schedule events featuring your Leaders or including them and their colleagues (e.g. panel discussions)

12 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  ATTRACT partners and collaborators, funders  Build partnerships with media outlets  Identify/recruit collaborators from event attendees  Seek partner recommendations from Leaders, Like Minds groups  Build on, but expand on the typical UW network

13 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  NEGOTIATE around obstacles  Funding /Resources  Ownership/ Organizational missions  Egos  Time  History/Legacies  Objectives

14 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  INTEGRATE objectives with existing community goals and initiatives  Identify any existing efforts aligned with yours, seek integration…  Bring them into the fold!

15 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  Build ZEAL through collaborative funding opportunities  Identify funding sources appropriate for effort  Build coalition of potential funded partners to carry out different aspects of effort

16 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  EFFECT CHANGE  Monitor effort to keep partners, Leaders, Like Minds on same page  Continue seeking potential large-scale funders to retain ZEAL  Actively work to reach goals!  Report SUCCESS!

17 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC GALVANIZE  G – GATHER like minds  A - ARTICULATE the goals (concept, strategies)  L - establish LEADERSHIP (or identify key LEADERS)  V - build VISIBILITY  A - ATTRACT partners and collaborators  N – NEGOTIATE around obstacles  I - INTEGRATE objectives with existing community goals/initiatives  Z - build ZEAL through successes / collaborative funding opps  E - Effect change

18 #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @LiveUnited2020#AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC @BGallagherUW #AllIn4CLC @UnitedWayLnC

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