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Establish the NIEM Health Domain by focusing on high value data exchanges that can be modeled within NIEM in the context of the existing NIEM framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Establish the NIEM Health Domain by focusing on high value data exchanges that can be modeled within NIEM in the context of the existing NIEM framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Establish the NIEM Health Domain by focusing on high value data exchanges that can be modeled within NIEM in the context of the existing NIEM framework Identify high value individual data exchanges and build the domain iteratively Leverage data elements and their definitions from existing models such as the FHIM, HL7 RIM, etc as appropriate Use NIEM domain governance model to govern the NIEM Health Domain Extend NIEM tooling to enable use of standard vocabularies and value sets when describing healthcare exchange data elements Objectives

2 9/1/1111/1/11 12/1/201112/31/2011 High-Level Timeline for Domain Establishment 10/1/11 Domain Establishment Tasks Technical Tasks Launch NIEM Health Domain Establishment Project First Draft of Domain Charter, Health Domain Governance Structure, Operations and Maintenance, Domain Scope and Related Artifacts Add First Candidate Exchange Details to Domain Establishment Artifacts Finalize Domain Establishment Artifacts Identify Candidate Exchange (ACA 1561 or Other Exchanges from CMS) Identify Initial Data Elements for Domain Establishment Artifact Creation Capture Use Cases and Top Level Requirements for Candidate Exchanges Present to NIEM ESC, NBAC / NTAC for Approval Standards Analysis and Data Model Build out for candidate Exchange Health Domain Live Refine Domain Establishment Artifacts

3 10/1/1112/1/11 1/1/20122/1/2012 High-Level Timeline – Technical Tasks and Dependencies for 1561 11/1/11 1561 WG S&I Framework Create 1561 Implementation WG, Assemble Stakeholders, Identify Candidate Use Cases to use the NIEM Health Domain Identify Top Level Requirements and Data Elements. Analyze 1561 Exchanges and Use Cases as candidates to use the NIEM Health Domain Finalize Candidate Use Cases for 1561 to use NIEM Health Domain Harmonize data elements with NIEM Define Detailed Requirements, Scenarios, Data Elements Initial Candidates Initial Data Elements Clarifications/ Questions/ Suggestions on candidates 1561 Community Of Interest Creation, Engagement, Outreach Create IEPD Architecture and Pilot Implementation Activities Demonstrate 1561 IEPDs to COI Present to NIEM ESC, NBAC / NTAC for Approval Support Pilots

4 1561 WG – S&I Framework Dependencies Artifacts Dependencies: 1. 1561 Project Scope Definition 2. 1561 Requirements/ Use Cases 3. 1561 Scenarios 4. 1561 Experts and Stakeholders 5. 1561 Technical Documentations (Data Model, Tech Arch, etc.) Tasks Dependencies: 1. Identify 1561 IEPD Facilitator 2. Define and Complete 1561 IEPD MOU 3. Draft 1561 IEPD Charter 4. 1561 Requirements Development 5. Validate 1561 Code List with CMS 6. Review schemas with CMS 1561 Support Team

5 Next Steps Identify high-value Data Exchanges ACA 1561 Existing S&I Initiatives CDC NY HHS Connect Execute NIEM PMO Plan and Draft Establishment Documents Domain Charter Domain Scope O&M Plan

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