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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Proposal Conference Welcome! YOUTH CONSTRUCTION INITIATIVE PROGRAM (YCIP) SERVICES FOR NYSDOT CONTRACT #C030782 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pre-Proposal Conference AGENDA 1.Introductions Al Hasenkopf, Contract Management Warren Whitlock, Office of Civil Rights 2.Project Overview 3.Scope of Work 4.Proposal Format and Response Requirements 5.Proposal Evaluations 6.Administrative Items 7.Questions and Answers 2

3 YCIP Program Overview Purpose RFP Objective: Select a responsive, qualified consultant to manage and administer a YCIP for NYSDOT. The Youth Construction Initiative Program (YCIP) is a program of structured, hands-on On-the-Job Training (OJT) experience and classroom participation targeted at vocation-oriented high school students. The YCIP is designed to afford equal opportunity in employment by providing training to 11 th and 12 th grade high school students who are minorities, females and economically disadvantaged persons in order to improve their employment opportunities as entry-level employees, trainees, and apprentices in the heavy highway construction trades. In turn, this will afford increased participation by these groups on highway construction projects. 3

4 Background It is the policy of the New York State Department of Transportation to afford equal opportunity in employment and training to traditionally socially and economically disadvantaged persons in its highway construction program. It is also the policy of the Department to follow federal regulations in programs which are federally-aided. 4

5 Background (cont). YCIP will introduce high school juniors and seniors to the construction industry via a curriculum with the goal of placement in apprenticeship positions, traineeship positions, or employment. This program will prepare these individuals to meet the highway construction industry’s need for a diverse skilled workforce, and address concerns relating to the projected workforce shortfalls. 5

6 Background (cont). Some of the skills/knowledge needed to perform the highway duties are listed below: Paving Digging Inspection Blueprint Reading Concrete Preparation Surveying Cement mixing and testing Carpentry Estimating Metric Conversions and Construction Math Using power and hand tools Landscaping Excavation Job search skills such as resume preparation, employment application completion, interviewing, etc. will also be taught via classroom instruction, with opportunities to apply the skills via job fairs. Tutoring in mathematics and language arts, Sexual Harassment and Diversity Training, and aspects of safety will be taught. 6

7 Background (cont). The following website covers the implementing regulations for supportive services related to the YCIP: To assist firms in the preparation of their proposals, selected YCIP Program report forms are available upon request (to be released via a future attachment to the RFP via a formal modification). 7

8 YCIP Program Objectives Recruit a cost effective number of minority, female, and economically disadvantaged high school juniors and seniors, who are vocation-oriented, to participate in, and graduate from, the YCIP program. (In past years, the aggregate number of YCIP students has ranged between 160-200 students per cycle (academic year). This initiative seeks proposals that would increase this aggregate number of students while maintaining a quality programmatic core curriculum.) Provide support and referral services to YCIP participants to ensure students graduate from the program. Have a cost effective number of students successfully matriculate through NYSDOT’s YCIP Program each year (for each year of the contract) who will garner skills and credentials to make them marketable in the construction industry. 8

9 YCIP Program Objectives (Cont’d) Provide work behavior, job search, employment readiness skills, sexual harassment and diversity training to increase student placement in the highway construction industry for YCIP participants upon graduation. Provide introductory highway construction training workshops/courses aimed at increasing the level of skills and knowledge needed in the highway construction industry. Provide placement into employment or apprenticeship/training positions upon graduation, and summer work experience opportunities for program participants in the highway construction industry. Summer work experience positions should be six to eight weeks in duration and will include an on-site supervisor to mentor students and assist with on-the- job training. 9

10 Contract Objectives To select an experienced, qualified and responsible service provider/consultant to effectively administer a Youth Construction Initiative Program. For the selected service provider to indentify and enroll in YCIP a significant and cost effective number of qualified high school junior and senior year students to participate in and graduate from YCIP. (Students will be allowed to complete the YCIP program, if, during the course of their program, they decide to further their formal education past high school.) To provide the YCIP students with measureable attainment (i.e. a Commercial Driver’s License, access to pre-apprentice placement or certification). 10

11 Contract Objectives (Cont’d) 11 To successfully administer the Youth Construction Initiative Program for the New York State Department of Transportation’s Office of Civil Rights, including producing, in an accurate and timely fashion, all required reporting. To periodically measure the performance goals and effectiveness of the YCIP program. To support to the best degree possible a 2 percent DBE contract goal for the following potential subcontractable opportunities: Bookkeeper; Instructors; Purchase of materials and supplies to support YCIP site operations. In the event of a change in consultant, and to ensure a September 1, 2011 YCIP Program start date, NYSDOT is committed to the YCIP Program Goals (as stated above) and is not necessarily committed to the current YCIP Program service operating structure.

12 YCIP RFP: General Items Contract Type: Non-Architecture/Non-Engineering contract Consultant Selection Method: Best Value Payment Method: Specific Hourly Rates for Key Personnel Plus Expenses Maximum Amount Available: $3.4M for 2011-12 and 2012-13 Academic Years Contract Term: 24 Month Base Term, plus One 12 month Optional Extension Optional Year Salary – lowest of 1.5% or PPI, subject to current market conditions 12

13 Minimum Proposal Requirements The following minimal Key Personnel experience requirements apply: ‘Project Director’ – Five cumulative years experience in supervision, project management, employment and training programs, knowledge and exposure to construction related projects, outreach, and public relations. ‘Administrative Assistant’ – Four or more years as an administrative staff person who produces reports and processes vouchers. ‘Bookkeeper’ – Four or more years as a clerical staff person who prepares payroll and stipends. May be subconsultant(s). Site Coordinator(s) – Three years or more years experience in social and human services, understanding of required construction trade programs, and familiarity with educational systems. Site Coordinator(s) may be subconsultants. Instructors -- An education specialist that teaches students construction related skills via hands-on projects at the schools or on a particular work site, and has sound knowledge of the YCIP curriculum, including the “soft-skills” component of the program. Instructors may be subconsultants. 13

14 Minimum Proposal Requirements Proposal may be deemed non-responsive if the cost proposal is greater than $3.4 M. The idea is to produce maximum value to the state. All responding firms which do not provide all of the following required forms by the RFP deadline may be determined to be non-responsive with non- responsive proposals removed from the selection process prior to technical evaluation: – A separate, bound Technical and Management Proposal (Part I) in a three- ring binder with section tabs. All Part I proposals must be sealed. – A separate Part II Cost and Contract Proposal in a three-ring binder with section tabs, including the Hourly Rate Table and all required budgets (Attachments 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4). All Part II proposals must be sealed. – Procurement Lobbying Law forms (Attachment 3, both forms), in the Contract section of the Part II Cost and Contract Proposal. 14

15 YCIP RFP: Scope of Work Scope of Work Evaluation and Monitoring Plan Reporting Requirements for YCIP Program Goals Please see hand out. 15

16 YCIP RFP: Scope (cont.) Miscellaneous YCIP Activities Media or publicity interaction will be conducted only with the written consent of, and coordination with, NYSDOT OCR and NYSDOT’s Office of Communications. New sites or site changes should also be considered and if proposed, should have sufficient justification based on: demographics; access to mass transit; Union and contractor presence and interest; adequacy of shop facilities; access to community agencies and social services; availability of tutoring services; etc. Closing sites that do not meet the performance measures should be considered and proposed, with thorough documentation and analysis of the factors leading to this action. Implement the committed DBE Plan to ensure the 2 percent DBE goal is met over the 24 month base term of the contract. 16

17 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS TECHNICAL PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS (PART I) Include: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Narrative Description 17

18 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Approach and Scope of Services – address: Results-oriented program objectives Implementing RFP Scope of Work How proposed Key Personnel will perform required roles and duties Evaluation & Monitoring Plan Reporting Requirements for YCIP Program Goals DBE Plan 18

19 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS (cont’d) Approach and Scope of Work (Continued) Perform all work necessary to provide for the Administration, Oversight, and Direction of the YCIP program, including a proposed YCIP performance assurity plan (to meet the annual matriculation goal). Coordinating the overall effort to provide the required services outlined in the Scope of Services in RFP Section III above in an cost-efficient and effective manner; Orienting and recruiting students into the program; organizing, retaining and training Site Coordinators and instructors in their professional development; increasing and promoting favorable employment openings for students by collaborating with site advisory boards, local communities and the media; and, 19

20 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Approach and Scope of Work (Continued) Detail the manner in which the administration, management and operation of the YCIP Program will be planned, directed and controlled; detail the approach your organization will take in implementing effective instruction and employment opportunities for students; develop valid indicators and strategies to target, validate, and document practices in schools in the areas of literacy, academic and behavior support, and effective implementation of workshops; arrangements for, and coordination of, any sub-consultants or joint ventures; and the anticipated relationship of Department management to your proposed management and staff, including the responsibilities of each, and how overall coordination will be achieved; management and attainment of the contract DBE participation goals. 20

21 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Include a narrative describing your approach and level of effort for all proposed Key Personnel. For estimating purposes, the offeror should estimate the overall level of effort over the twenty-four (24) month term of the contract. This distribution should include the estimated number of hours for the prime consultant and any sub-consultants that are proposed. If sub-consultants are to be used, explain the specific need for the expertise and describe the arrangements. Discuss your plan for phasing project personnel into the effort. Describe the level of interaction contemplated with NYSDOT. The discussion provided under Approach and Scope of Services of your proposal should clearly demonstrate your understanding of the YCIP's goals and results-oriented objectives, including opportunities to achieve increased operational (or other) efficiencies and encouraging overall development consistent with the program. Lastly, each proposal should address student performance goal targets, including how students graduating from the YCIP program will have a “leg up” on developing career paths in construction versus those students entering the construction industry without the benefit of having participated in the YCIP program. What benefits (Commercial Driver’s License, pre- apprenticeship opportunities etc.) will YCIP students attain, if any. 21

22 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Organization and Staffing Provide an organizational chart for the project showing the names of the Project Director and all key personnel that will be working on this effort. Include succinct resumes for all proposed Key Personnel (including any subconsultants). If subcontracts or joint ventures are proposed, describe the need, indicate the arrangements, and detail how coordination will be achieved between parties. If a firm is proposing individual(s) for a key staff position who is currently employed by a different firm, then a letter from the individual(s) confirming their intent to leave their current employer to join the proposing firm, must be supplied 22

23 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Descriptions for the following Key Personnel like positions shall be offered: ‘Project Director’ – five cumulative years of experience in supervision, project management, employment and training programs. Knowledge of and experience in construction related projects, outreach, and public relations, are desirable. ‘Administrative Assistant’ – four or more years as an administrative staff person who produces accurate and timely reports and processes vouchers. ‘Bookkeeper’– four or more years as a qualified bookkeeper/accountant who is responsible for preparing payroll, stipends and reporting on program financial activity. Site Coordinator – three years or more years experience in education, with a knowledge of social and human services, understanding of required construction trade programs. Instructor – an education specialist that teaches students construction related skills. The instructor will supplement in-class workshops with hands-on projects at the schools or on a particular work site. Instructors must have a sound knowledge of the YCIP curriculum, including the “soft-skills” component of the program. The Instructor understands the hands-on component of the program and is required to supplement the students understanding with the necessary soft skills such as time management, conflict resolution, heavy highway safety etc. 23

24 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Experience of Firm and Proposed Key Personnel The qualifications and prior experience of the proposer are very important to NYSDOT. Demonstrated experience in managing inter-disciplinary sites is essential. Depending on your proposal, experience in coordinating multiple sites will be essential. Proposers shall have demonstrated school system administration, implementation of classroom instruction, and public relations/communication skills. Document writing, record keeping and student evaluation expertise and experience are preferred. Specifically discuss what relevant experience your organization and the personnel you firm will assign to this effort have with: Recruiting disadvantaged, minority and female high school students for a program like YCIP, measuring their developmental progress. 24

25 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Experience (cont). Ensuring timely completion of data collection and record keeping on program participant performance and attendance; establishing and overseeing a payroll system for multiple sites. Managing and a program with a core curriculum that includes diverse tasks and services; providing training, guidance and support to site staff to offer relevant programs so students become proficient in the heavy construction trades. In addition, provide a list of current and past relevant projects. Indicate key personnel who will, or may be assigned to this effort and identify their areas(s) of expertise. Include names, addresses and telephone numbers of past contacts with listed clients. NYSDOT reserves the right to request information from any source so named. Please use Attachment 8 to document that all offered Key Personnel meet the minimum experience requirements. 25

26 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d References: Include names, addresses and telephone numbers of points of contact with the listed clients for current or past projects. NYSDOT reserves the right to request information from any source so named in order to confirm the nature of the work performed for the given reference and to evaluate the consultant’s performance in relation to: Responsiveness to client requests and inquiries; Timeliness of services performed; Quality of services performed; Engagement and overall professionalism of staff; and Other information relevant to performance which may arise during the reference check. 26

27 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d Schedule: Develop a project management timetable (for 24 months) indicating personnel, dates, and events from July/August 2011 (ramp-up) to August 2013 for completion of the project showing the duration of each task for the regular school year and summer internships. Your proposal should be a combination on the regular school year calendar and a summer calendar to include the internships (ie, the full contract term of twenty- four months. 27

28 PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENTS cont’d 2% DBE participation goal for this Contract. Meaningful participation by either a prime consultant who is certified as a NYSUCP DBE or inclusion of sub-consultant (s) who is/are certified as a NYSUCP DBE count toward the DBE participation goal. MBE/WBE cannot be counted toward meeting the contract’s 2 percent DBE goal. 28

29 DBE Goal DBE Plan: Present a DBE Implementation and Management Plan in Part I of your proposal, which shall describe how the services provided by the selected will meet the contract’s 2 percent DBE goal over the 24 month base term of the contract, via the following possible opportunities: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: There are several categories of professional service subcontracting opportunities presented by this Request for Proposals: Bookkeeping/Accounting, and Instructors (could be independent consultants), plus directly-related business expenses associated with the contract. Whenever possible, utilize certified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). PURCHASES: All approved items purchased shall be reimbursed by the State as a direct cost to the contract. All purchasing shall be done following applicable State procedures and will be subject to the approval by the State. Whenever possible, utilize certified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). 29

30 DBE Goal Interested proposers should verify their attainment of the above established DBE participation goal by completing Attachment 7 DBE Participation Information. To count towards the Department’s DBE goal, a firm offering DBE participation must be currently certified per the NYSUCP DBE Directory. If the proposal does not meet the 2 percent DBE participation goal, the firm must provide evidence of a good faith effort by completing the DBE Participation Solicitation Log in Attachment 7. Additionally, if the firm does not meet the specified 2 percent contract goal, the firm must include in its submission a DBE Goal Attainment Explanation Letter explaining why the firm was unable to meet the DBE goal (in full or if partially), which serves to substantiate the firm’s good faith effort. 30

31 COST AND CONTRACT SUBMITTAL Part II Part II of the proposal consists of two sections: A cost proposal section, which sets forth the loaded specific hourly rates The contract section, which specifies the proposer's acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the sample Agreement enclosed as Attachment 1 to this solicitation, and is the place to present several other administrative forms (Procurement Lobbying Law compliance forms, Consultant Information and Certification form, acceptance of RFP Modifications, etc). 31

32 Cost Proposal REMINDER: Any proposal with a total cost which exceeds $3,400,000 may be deemed non-responsive and removed from further consideration after opening. 32

33 COST AND CONTRACT SUBMITTAL Part II (cont.) Salaries and Budgets A salary schedule, with descriptive job titles for Key Proposed loaded hourly rates for the base twenty-four (24) month term of the contract. Use Attachment 6-1. Use one Attachment or chart per firm in its team (prime plus subs) 33

34 COST AND CONTRACT SUBMITTAL Part II (cont.) Salaries Do not alter budgetary template presented in Attachment 6. – use as is. For purposes of contract negotiation and during the term of the contract, travel, meals, and lodging reimbursements shall be limited to the prevailing maximum rates established by the State Comptroller. The latest state and nationwide rates are available at the following Web site: http://gsa.gov Payment for services provided under the project shall be by fully-loaded, specific hourly rate of reimbursement (see Article 6 in Attachment 1) and compensation for actual direct non-salary costs incurred in the performance of the scope of services. 34

35 COST AND CONTRACT SUBMITTAL Part II (cont.) State acceptance of all Terms and Conditions of the draft Agreement contained in Attachment 1. Complete and submit the “Consultant Information and Certifications Form,” Attachment 2 to indicate their acceptance of the draft Agreement’s Terms and Conditions. Include RFP Modification(s) Acknowledgements. 35

36 COST AND CONTRACT SUBMITTAL Part II (cont.) Procurement Lobbying Law forms (PLL): Submission of the forms with your proposal is mandatory is mandatory center/consultants/forms-publications-and-instructions center/consultants/forms-publications-and-instructions Only contact the person noted in the cover letter to this solicitation. Consultant Information and Certification Information: Please complete and submit this with your Volume II: Cost Proposal. Be sure to sign all requested certifications and acceptances. C IN Number: If applicable (you get one by registering with NYSDOT) 36

37 Proposal Evaluation Process Best Value Criteria (100 Points) Technical Proposal evaluated and point scored (up to 65 points) Technical Interviews will be evaluated and point scored (up to 10 points) Cost proposals will be evaluated and point scored (up to 25 points) Technical Information cannot be in Cost Proposal. Cost Information cannot be in Technical Proposal. Technical Evaluation Committee to evaluate Technical Proposals Only technically-acceptable proposals determined to be susceptible for contract award will be considered further and have their cost proposal included in the selection process. To be considered further, a proposal must receive a raw composite technical score of 30 out of the total 65 points available. 37

38 Proposal Evaluation Process (Cont’d) May request written clarifications. Evaluators allowed to revise technical scores. NYSDOT reserves the right to request Best and Final Offers from firms that are determined to be susceptible for contract award. Clarifications to proposals based upon best and final offers may lead to changes in the technical and/or price scoring. An award shall be made to the offeror whose proposal receives the highest total Best Value score after considering all technical and cost/price evaluation factors. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, an announcement of the Department’s designation(s) will be posted on the NYSDOT Web site listed below. This Request for Proposals does not commit NYSDOT to award a contract, pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal to this request, or to procure or contract services or supplies. 38

39 Technical Evaluation Criteria – Up To 65 Points 1.Approach and Scope of Work (44 Points) a. Quality of approach and scope of services for: – Orienting and recruiting program participants; organizing and training site staff; increasing placement opportunities for program participants by collaborating with advisory boards, local communities and other agencies; developing clear realistic and measurable objectives to determine how students will successfully work in the construction trades. (15 Points) – Delivering the services and coordinating the overall effort to provide the required services outlined in the RFP’s Scope of Work in an effective and cost-efficient manner. (9 Points) – Ensuring timely completion of data collection and record keeping on program participant performance and attendance; establishing and overseeing a payroll system for multiple sites. (7 Points) – Managing and coordinating a core curriculum that includes diverse tasks and services; providing training, guidance and support to site staff to offer relevant programs so students become proficient in the heavy construction trades. (7 Points) – Recruiting program participants, measuring their progress, and tracking graduates from programs; proposing the coordination and managing the advisory boards, local communities and other agencies to find job opportunities for program participants. (6 Points) 39

40 Technical Evaluation Criteria – Up To 65 Points 1.Approach and Scope of Work (Continued) b.Organization and Staffing (21 Points) – All offered Key Personnel meet all of the requirements of Section 3 and 4 of this RFP. (11 Points) – Reasonableness of proposed structure of organization to carry out tasks required by contract, including the proposed staffing plan for the use and coordination of subconsultants, if any, and the submitted Organizational Chart and DBE Plan. (8 Points) – Extent and quality of task allocation with key participants. (2 Points) 40

41 Technical Interviews (Orals; Up to 10 Points) Consultants with technically-acceptable proposals may be required to additionally present to NYSDOT in-person or by other means to clarify certain aspects of their proposals. The clarifying information gathered from these firms shall be separately evaluated and point scored based upon the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance: – Clarification of any proposal aspects. (4 Points) – Additional insights into proposals. (3 Points) – Ability to address the Evaluation Committee’s specific project- related questions. (3 Points) 41

42 Cost Proposal Evaluation (Up to 25 Points) The calculation of a cost score for a firm’s Cost and Contract proposal will be determined by taking into consideration the cost of labor, (rates times an assumes level of effort factor (same for all; to convert rates to dollars) for the proposed fully loaded specific hourly rates for all offered Key Personnel (Per Attachment 6) plus the sum of all estimated Direct Non-Salary Expenses for the full time Project Director, the part-time Administrative Assistant, the part-time Bookkeeper, full-time Site Coordinator(s), and all part-time Instructors. The proposer with the lowest total proposed budget will receive a perfected score of 25. Proposals with higher total proposed budgets will receive proportionally lower cost scores.. 42

43 ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIFICATIONS Proposal submission 7copies of Part I, 2 copies of Part II Signature by authorized individual Required 180-day firm offer (minimum) State’s rights Vendor Responsibility Contractor Tax Certification Inquiries and Information: Contact Al Hasenkopf ( ) 43

44 Tentative Schedule of RFP Key Events RFP Release Date:March 3, 2011 Pre-Proposal ConferenceMarch 16, 2011 Question Submittal Deadline:March 23, 2011 Answers ReleasedMarch 30, 2011 Proposals Due:April 4, 2011 Proposal Evaluation Begins:April 5, 2011 44



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