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1 st Grade Classroom Bee. What shape is this? hexagon.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Grade Classroom Bee. What shape is this? hexagon."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st Grade Classroom Bee

2 What shape is this?

3 hexagon

4 334 What number will balance the scale? ?

5 2

6 Fill in the blanks 96, 97, 98, 99, ____, ______

7 100,101

8 What shape is this?

9 100, 101

10 rectangle

11 What shape has 5 vertices or corners?

12 pentagon

13 What time is it?

14 9:30

15 What shape is this?

16 cylinder

17 Solve the equation. 13 – 7 =

18 6

19 What shape?

20 cone

21 Commutative Property 866 What number will balance the scale? ?

22 8

23 How many tens and ones are there? Tens _________ Ones _________

24 5 tens 6 ones

25 Solve the equation. ___ + 5 = 18

26 13

27 What shape is this?

28 cube

29 What shape or polygon has 4 sides?

30 Square, quadrilateral, trapezoid, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, any other 4-sided polygon

31 Addition 70 +10 -------

32 80

33 What shape is this?

34 triangle

35 Fill in the blanks 111, ______, 113, 114, 115, ______

36 112, 116

37 Compare by saying or = 3827

38 38 > 27 38 is greater than 27 27 is less than 38

39 714 What number will balance the scale? ?

40 4

41 What shape is this?

42 Rhombus (do not accept diamond)

43 Solve the equation. 8 + ___ = 17

44 9

45 What time is it?

46 3:00

47 Solve the equation. 12 – 8 =

48 4

49 Fill in the blanks 56, 57, 58, ____, ______

50 59, 60

51 Solve the equation. 13 + 6 =

52 19

53 Addition 15 + 4 --------

54 19

55 What shape or polygon has 8 sides?

56 octagon

57 Addition 13 + 2 --------

58 15

59 How many tens and ones are there? over? Tens _________ Ones _________

60 5 tens 3 ones

61 What shape is this?

62 square

63 Fill in the blanks 78, ______, 80, 81, 82, ______

64 79, 83

65 What shape is this?

66 pentagon

67 Place Value How many tens and ones are in 93? Tens ______ Ones ______

68 9 tens 3 ones

69 Addition 23 +10 --------

70 33

71 Compare by saying or = 1617

72 16 < 17 16 is less than 17 17 is greater than 16

73 True or False 8 - 6 = 14 - 0

74 False

75 What shape has 3 vertices or corners?

76 triangle

77 Addition 50 +10 --------

78 60

79 What shape is this?

80 trapezoid

81 Solve the equation. 4 + 9 =

82 13

83 What shape is this?

84 triangle

85 How many tens and ones are there? Tens _________ Ones _________

86 7 tens 3 ones

87 453 What number will balance the scale? ?

88 6

89 What shape is this?

90 circle

91 Solve the equation. 19 – 6 =

92 13

93 Place Value How many tens and ones are in 50? Tens ______ Ones ______

94 5 tens 0 ones

95 Fill in the blanks 87, 88, ____, ______

96 89, 90

97 253 What number will balance the scale? ?

98 4

99 Fill in the blanks 108, 109, ____, ______

100 110, 111

101 Place Value How many tens and ones are in 87? Tens ______ Ones ______

102 8 tens 7 ones

103 Commutative Property 399 What number will balance the scale? ?

104 3

105 Addition 44 + 10 ---------

106 54

107 Solve the equation. ___ + 7 = 16

108 9

109 Compare by saying or = 4994

110 49 is less than 94 94 is greater than 49 49< 94

111 Addition 30 - 10 =

112 20

113 569 What number will balance the scale? ?

114 2

115 Solve the equation. 9 + 8 =

116 17

117 What time is it?

118 2:30

119 Associative Property Which equation is equal to 3 + 8 + 7 a) 8 + 7 + 10 b) 10 + 7 c) 10 + 8

120 C. 10 + 8 (7 + 3) + 8

121 Solve the equation. 13 + ___ = 19

122 6

123 Fraction What fraction is shown?

124 ½, a half

125 Solve the equation. 11 + 6 =

126 17

127 Use the all of following numbers to balance the scale: 2 4 4 6

128 2 + 6 = 4 + 4 6 + 2 = 4 + 4 4 + 4 = 2 + 6 4 + 4 = 6 + 2

129 True or False 11 – 3 = 5 + 2

130 80

131 Compare by saying or = 2221

132 22 > 21 22 is greater than 21 21 is less than 22

133 Use the all of following numbers to balance the scale: 3 1 4 2

134 3 + 2 = 4 + 1 OR 1 + 4 2 + 3 = 4 + 1 OR 1 + 4 4 + 1 = 3 + 2 OR 2 + 3 1 + 4 = 3 + 2 OR 2 + 3

135 What time is it?

136 11:00

137 Solve the equation. 12 – ___ = 5

138 7

139 How many tens and ones are there? Tens _________ Ones _________

140 6 tens 5 ones

141 Associative Property Which equation is equal to 9 + 6 + 4 a) 6 + 10 + 9 b) 9 + 10 c) 6 + 10

142 B. 9 + 10 9 + (6 + 4)

143 Solve the equation. ___ - 7 = 13

144 20

145 True or False 2 + 9 = 7 + 4

146 true

147 Fraction What fraction is shown?

148 ¾, three fourths

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