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Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 NSTG: Some Notes of Interest Adapting Neutron Science community codes for TeraGrid use and deployment. (Lynch, Chen) –Geared.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 NSTG: Some Notes of Interest Adapting Neutron Science community codes for TeraGrid use and deployment. (Lynch, Chen) –Geared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 NSTG: Some Notes of Interest Adapting Neutron Science community codes for TeraGrid use and deployment. (Lynch, Chen) –Geared towards Neutron Science portal –Running simulations on TG from portal –Able to produce Nexus files directly from parallel (MPI) McStas runs –Simulated Energy spectrum matches Experimental NeXus files (BASIS) –Upcoming: generalized data fitting service. Available within portal execution orchestration Composable with instrumetn and experiment specific needs Production use of Community account from Neutron Science portal (Lynch) –Community account “Jimmy Neutron”. Probing our business processes. –Including reachback Auditing –Run from the CSA’s OSG Integration (Pike) – NSTG as a CTSS and OSG resource (Neutron Science use case request) – Goal: single gatekeeper (starting with 2 gatekeepers to better understand) ESG Coordination – ongoing (Pike) CEDPS (SciDAC) visit

2 Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 SNS status SNS Ops Schedule This FY 2007 (October 2006-September 2007) –Ramp up power from 10 to 100 kW from October 2006 to April 2007 –Possibly extend monthly on/off into October 2007 –Provide 3500 hours of beam on target –Conduct full-power Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) in about April 2007 –Continue to ramp power beyond 100 kW following April 2007 ARR Instrument Status (see ) – Instruments in Commissioning: (focus of upcoming effort) BASIS – Backscattering Spectrometer Liquids Reflectometer Magnetic Reflectometer –2 More instruments to be commissioned in 2007 –3 more instruments in 2008 SNS Data accumulation: – 8TB currently – Available from Neutron Science portal – Near term revisit of data replication and network topology

3 Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 NSTG Cluster Usage: A Canary in the Coal Mine? Batch queue has gotten busy (well for us). Interesting. Why?: Not sure but Maybe: –Sources: A bio-med project running long-ish small jobs Nano-hub Neutron Science focused users Other use –General TG-wide “full usage” ? – project teams looking at all queues –Wolski-fication? – queue prediction is available to users now. –Seems to be login rather than “grid-y” usage (ssh-key requests are coming in addition to DN access) Are TG’06 Report trends continuing into 2007 ? Seems so from our end.

4 Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 Feb. 07 Review Initial Reaction Summary of Rec: –Complete NSTG Virtualization strategy as directed by Neutron Science use cases –“get and maintain focus of Neutron Science Community” is a prerequisite for a user pull strategy. –Metrics – do more To improve external reporting To track progress internally –Improve reporting of science impacts –Work with user community to improve “best practices” for integrating large instruments into TeraGrid. Quick list (for discussion) of possible next steps –Integrate and track local milestones, update often, display and discuss Milestones proposed in TG’06 report Beam-line related milestones contained in response to review questions –Suggestion: larger TG activity to “best practices” for large instrument integration. “rule-of-threes” TG’07 BoF to widen the discussion –Complete (with SNS) virt. Strategy (in process). Invite TG-wide participation –Internally improve science impact documentation –Continued outreach to Neutron Science community. Bigger Issue: How to match CI needs of Instruments to TG services to “add value” –For example: Gateway allocations issue from last meeting –Note: It is easier to plan to “my project’s” use than the use of my beamline users –Alternatives analysis: Captured CI versus National Scale CI

5 Quarterly Meeting Spring 2007 END One last thing Reminder: SC07 deadlines rush upon us: –April 16, 2007 Submission deadline for: Technical Papers Gordon Bell Award Papers Panels Tutorials Workshops –May 21, 2007 Notice of Intent deadline for: Analytics Challenge Cluster Challenge Storage Challenge –July 31, 2007 deadline for: Posters ACM Student Research Competition Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BOFs) Exhibitor Forum abstracts Analytics Challenge Bandwidth Challenge Cluster Challenge Storage Challenge Discipline Conferences –INSP workshop Austin Oct.

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