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9D 1.He was the ____ President from ________. 2.He attended ______ University and Cincinnati ______ School. 3.His _______ was “____ Lub.” 4.Taft was the.

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Presentation on theme: "9D 1.He was the ____ President from ________. 2.He attended ______ University and Cincinnati ______ School. 3.His _______ was “____ Lub.” 4.Taft was the."— Presentation transcript:

1 9D 1.He was the ____ President from ________. 2.He attended ______ University and Cincinnati ______ School. 3.His _______ was “____ Lub.” 4.Taft was the _______ president at nearly _______ lbs. -He once got _________ in the White ______ bath _______. 5.He was chosen by _________ to be the first ________ of the ___________. 6.He was chosen by __________ to be Sect. of ______ in 1904. 7.He was ____________ by Roosevelt to succeed him as the ______ President. 8.He did not carry on the ______ and _______ of Roosevelt and the Progressive Republicans, and ____ the Republican Party into the Progressives _____the Conservative Republicans. 9.He was _______ by Woodrow Wilson in the Election of ____. William H. Taft Progressives v. Conservatives Woodrow Wilson 1.Taft was _________ to use a “Bully Pulpit” and “Big Stick” ______ as president. 2.Taft became more of a “________ buster than __________. -He considered “____” trusts _____. -He had major __________ against _______ Oil, the American _________ Company, the Sugar trust, and U.S. _______(1911). 3.Payne-__________Tariff (1909)- __________ Progressives by __________ tariffs. 4. (1910) Ballenger-________Affair - Taft’s Sect. of _______, Richard ___________ approved the ______ of several million _______ of public lands in __________that contained coal deposits to a group of _________ businessmen in 1909. U.S. _______Service head, Gifford _________ protested and was ____ by Ballenger angering __________ and the ___________ Republicans. 5.Uncle Joe __________Affair -Taft supported the _________of the House Joe Cannon a ___________ Republican. -Progressive _____________with the help of __________removed him from the _________Committee _______Conservative Republicans. Election of 1912 1. He was from _________. 2.He became ___________of _________University in 1902. 3.He became the progressive ______of _________in 1910. 4.He became the ___President. 5.He was only the second __________elected President since the _______War. 6.He was re-elected in _____on the ______, “he _____us out of ________.” 7.He was _________during ________. 8.He established the “_______ Points” ________for ending _________. 9.He suffered a ______ at the end of his _________term. 10.He ________ in 1924. 1.As a result of T. Roosevelt’s ______________with Taft’s conservative __________ as President, Roosevelt decides to ______for a _______term. 2.He was not _________by the _________Party so he forms a ________ party called The Progressive Republicans. -He _________the name to the “Bull _________” Party. 3._____ ran as the candidate for the ___________Republicans. 4.________ ran as the candidate for the ______________. 5.Eugene _______ ran for the ____ time as the __________ candidate. 6.Results: -Wilson – ______ -Roosevelt –______ -Taft – ____ -Debs - 0 ( one million votes) __________Reform __________Reform -To address the __________of the _______ of 1907, Wilson created the _______ Reserve System/ Owen ________Act in 1913. -This _________ a Federal Reserve System with _____ districts each contained a Federal Reserve ______. It helped _____smaller ______. 4.To ______ for all of the progressive __________, the ____ Amendment was added to the ____________in 1913. -It established the ________ national _________tax. (1919) – _________Sox Scandal- ______ Extra - (1919) – _________Sox Scandal- ______players from the _______ White Sox (later nicknamed the ________Sox) were accused of ________the 1919 World ________against the Cincinnati ________. Wilson’s Progressive Reforms 1.Wilson ______the Election of _____ winning only ____% of the __________ vote. 2.He ___________the New _________Reform Program 3. Focused on __ types of reform: ________Reform ________Reform -__________Tariff (1913) – reduced ________ to the ________ since the Civil War. ________ Reform ________ Reform -________ Antitrust Act (1914) – strengthened the __________ Antitrust Act by establishing the ______ – Federal Trade Commission. WILSON & TAFT AS PROGRESSIVES

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