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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Column A AColumn B BColumn C CColumn D DColumn E E Column F.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Column A AColumn B BColumn C CColumn D DColumn E E Column F."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Column A AColumn B BColumn C CColumn D DColumn E E Column F

6 Minerals are always solids. True or False A 100

7 True A 100

8 Rock-forming minerals contain elements that are common in Earth's A 200

9 crust A 200

10 The color of a mineral when it is ground into a powder is its A 300

11 streak A 300

12 How do you to tell which of two minerals is harder? A 400

13 The harder mineral will scratch the softer one A 400

14 When you say a mineral is "metallic," you are talking about its A 500

15 luster A 500

16 If a mineral has perfect cleavage, it B 100

17 breaks along smooth surfaces B 100

18 Minerals are grouped according to their B 200

19 composition B 200

20 Quartz, feldspar, and mica are all common B 300

21 silicates B 300

22 All minerals are B 400

23 solids B 400

24 To identify a mineral, scientists may scratch a mineral against a surface. The color of the powder left behind is the mineral's B 500

25 streak B 500

26 The two major types of mineral luster are C 100

27 metallic and nonmetallic C 100

28 A quartz sample breaks into many irregular pieces. This is an example of C 200

29 fracture C 200

30 Determining the manner in which a mineral breaks is helpful when C 300

31 identifying the mineral C 300


33 The type of mining used when ore is removed from an open pit is called C 400

34 surface mining C 400

35 Although there are thousands of minerals on Earth, the number of minerals commonly found in Earth's crust is about C 500

36 30 C 500

37 What determines whether a mineral displays fracture or cleavage? D 100

38 the strengths of the bonds between its atoms D 100

39 Strip mining and panning are both examples of D 200

40 surface mining D 200

41 An ore contains enough of a mineral that it D 300

42 can be mined for profit D 300

43 A metamorphic rock melts. This molten rock then cools and becomes solid. These processes are part of the D 400

44 rock cycle D 400

45 The most common type of rock at Earth's surface is D 500

46 sedimentary D 500

47 The magma inside a volcano slowly cooled into rock. Over time, wind and water wore away the weaker rock surrounding it. The landform left at Earth's surface is made of E 100

48 intrusive igneous rock E 100

49 Coal is made from the remains of E 200

50 plants E 200

51 An example of how sedimentary rock can give information about past conditions is through E 300

52 preserved mud cracks E 300

53 The arrangement of minerals into wavy or parallel bands of minerals during metamorphism is called E 400

54 foliation E 400

55 Rocks are always E 500

56 solids E 500

57 Igneous and metamorphic rocks make up how much of Earth's crust? F 100

58 almost all

59 F 200 The rock cycle.

60 F 200 has no beginning or end

61 F 300 Igneous rocks tend to form long-lasting landforms because they often

62 F 300 are harder than other types of rock

63 F 400 An example of a process that causes metamorphic change over large areas is the

64 F 400 formation of a mountain range

65 F 500 Why do landforms made of igneous rock tend to last longer than those made of sedimentary rock?

66 F 500 Igneous rock tends to be harder than sedimentary rock.

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Vocabulary in Science Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 A magma body that is in contact with the rock directly around it causes metamorphic changes to occur because of Click on screen to continue

69 heat Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By Mr. Mitchell

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