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Bellringer  What does the word cancer make you think of?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer  What does the word cancer make you think of?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer  What does the word cancer make you think of?

2 Chapter 18 Lesson 3 Cancer p. 484

3 Cancer  Rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells  Can affect people at any age  There’s more help than ever before  1 in 4 deaths is cancer related

4  Tumors- A mass of abnormal cells  Benign- Not cancerous (Good)  Malignant- Cancerous (Bad)  Metastasis- Cancer has spread in the body

5 Types  Skin Cancer  Breast Cancer  Lung Cancer  Lymphoma  Reproductive Organs  Colon and Rectal Cancer  Leukemia

6 Cause  Risk Factors  Hereditary  Carcinogens  Tobacco  Radiation  Certain Chemicals  Certain Pollution

7 Warning Signs-The CAUTION Method  C- Change in bowel or bladder habits  A- A sore that does not heal  U- Unusual bleeding or discharge  T- Thickening of Lump  I- Indigestion/Difficulty Swallowing  O- Obvious changes in mole or wart  N- Nagging cough or Hoarsness

8 ABCD’s of Melanoma  A- Asymmetry  B- Border  C- Color  D- Diameter

9 Diagnosis and Treatment  Biopsy- Removal and testing of potentially cancerous tissue  Treatment  Surgery  Radiation  Chemotherapy (Chemo)  Immunotherapy  Hormone Therapy

10  Remission- Cancer signs and symptoms disappear  Recurrence- Return of cancer

11 Prevention  Nutrition  Physically Active  Limit Sun Exposure  Avoid Harmful Substances

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