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Presentation on theme: "EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW OF SENATE Professor Fiona Beveridge."— Presentation transcript:



3 THE REMIT OF THE REVIEW To review on Council’s behalf all aspects of the Senate’s activity and to make recommendations as appropriate, in particular The role of Senate The functionality of Senate The operation of Senate.

4 HOW THE REVIEW WAS CONDUCTED Gathering of information and views: comparator data, view of key groups of staff, UCU, Guild President and all-staff invitation to express views Produced report and proposals Report and recommendations have been considered by Senate (twice) and Council Final report due to be approved at Council in May and submitted to Privy Council for approval in summer and implemented next session.

5 PROBLEMS WITH SENATE Type of business and the stage at which important issues are discussed by Senate Lack of sense of representation Poor environment.

6 IMPORTANCE OF SENATE A wide representative body which can debate and endorse University’s character, activities and strategies Counterbalance to strong management required to respond firmly and decisively (often quickly) to external challenges Retain right ‘to discuss and declare opinion on any matter relating to the University’.

7 ENHANCING SENATE’S ROLE Promote Senate as forum for debate of issues prior to management response being formulated; thus  Senate would debate general direction, and  Review firm proposals  Except where time does not permit. Encourage business from Faculties, Schools and Institutes Review delegation to free up time for debates Faculty Presentation on 3-year cycle to promote cross-Senate understanding.

8 REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERSHIP (76) All Level 2 and 3 Heads 8 level 1 Heads from each Faculty, appointed annually by PVC 8 elected academic staff representatives from each Faculty, including at least 2 professors and at least 2 Early Career Researchers, each elected for a 3 year term Vice-Chancellor and Policy PVCs 4 Guild Officers plus 1 student rep. from each Faculty (Senate representation on Council).

9 FACULTY FORUMS Place where all staff could have a voice Open to all staff Formal Agenda and Chair Focus on academic business of the Faculty Will sit alongside existing decision-making structures (Faculty Management Teams and Committees).

10 FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS Finding a new venue for Senate Review in 3 years Implementation from Autumn 2013, so elections late summer/early Autumn once approvals are in place. Major University Committees now also being reviewed.

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