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Road Pavements and New Approaches! IPWEA CONFRENCE David Moloney Director Infrastructure - Southern Grampians Shire.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Pavements and New Approaches! IPWEA CONFRENCE David Moloney Director Infrastructure - Southern Grampians Shire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Pavements and New Approaches! IPWEA CONFRENCE David Moloney Director Infrastructure - Southern Grampians Shire

2 Agenda  Maintenance the New Capital  Pavement Preservation  Maintenance integration into a pavement mgt system

3 Vancouve r 37,000 Kilometres Travelled

4 Australia’s Local Road Conditions Condition – the physical condition of the infrastructure that allows it to meet the intended service level. 11% or $47 billion is in poor condition and require renewal or upgrade. Source: Australian Local Government Association – National State of the Assets Report 2015

5 Maintenance the New Capital  Traditionally the capital program restores or increases pavement life  Generally applied after some kind of structural failure in the pavement  High cost treatments used  Maintenance used to hold network together until money is found to rehabilitate the road

6 Maintenance the New Capital  Philosophical change from maintenance holding a network together to maintenance treatments targeted at increasing the life of the pavement  Achieved through a targeted programmed approach using a pavement preservation strategy

7 Typical Pavement Performance Curve

8 Effect of Low cost Maintenance

9 Pavement Preservation The US Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) defines Pavement Preservation as: “.. a program employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations." (Source: FHWA Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group)

10 Pavement Preservation The principal of pavement preservation is to: 1. Take a long term view of the road network 2. Deliver a whole of network programme that is not just about fixing structural problems but rather preventing them, 3. Keep good pavements in good condition.

11 Pavement Preservation “Right Treatment, Right Road, Right Time”

12 Pavement Preservation Pavement Preservation generally consists of: 10% Reactive Maintenance / 90% Programmed Maintenance Low Cost treatments on Good Pavements Focused on surface defects / non structural problems

13 Integration into a PMS  Establish whole of life plan for each pavement (right time)  Establish this plan within the PMS to under take a whole of network analysis (right road)  Implement low cost treatments (right treatment)

14 Cost of Programmed Mtce


16 Pavement Condition Affects Vehicle Operating Cost (Seattle DOT)

17 Pavement Treatments

18 Ultra Thin Friction Course

19 High Performance Thin Overlay

20 Fiber Seal Surface Treatment

21 Micro and Slurry Seal

22 Scrub Seal

23 Cold In-place Recycling (CIR)

24 Hot In-place Recycling (HIR)

25 Summary  Maintenance the New Capital  Pavement Preservation  Maintenance integration into a pavement mgt system

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