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S Bradley – Experience/Interpretation External Mentor Induction Induction/MEP.

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2 S Bradley – Experience/Interpretation

3 External Mentor Induction Induction/MEP

4 Induction Support NQTs during their statutory induction period providing coaching and mentoring

5 Induction Support NQTs during their statutory induction period providing coaching and mentoring Supporting NQTs in providing the evidence to meet the Practising Teacher Standards

6 Induction 5 visits during the academic year 1 st visit – 2 nd half term (Autumn)

7 Induction - 1 st visit Meet Headteacher/School based Mentor to discuss induction arrangements

8 Induction - 1 st visit Meet Headteacher/School based Mentor to discuss induction arrangements Meet NQT to clarify role of External Mentor

9 Induction - 1 st visit Meet Headteacher/School based Mentor to discuss induction arrangements Meet NQT to clarify role of External Mentor Discuss Induction profile (Section 1, 2a, 2b, 3 (PTS) and 4)

10 Induction - 1 st visit Meet Headteacher/School based Mentor to discuss induction arrangements Meet NQT to clarify role of External Mentor Discuss Induction profile (Section 1, 2a, 2b, 3 (PTS) and 4) QA all parties involved

11 Induction Carry out 2 lesson observations (Spring/Summer term) provide evidence-based feedback following the observation Lesson not graded

12 Induction Provide appropriate evidence to enable a recommendation to be made to the appropriate body to assist it in determining whether each NQT has successfully completed induction

13 Induction Provide appropriate evidence to enable a recommendation to be made to the appropriate body to assist it in determining whether each NQT has successfully completed induction Assist the local authorities to quality assure induction arrangements for NQT’s in schools

14 Induction QA - Work collaboratively with the NQT’s school based mentor and headteacher throughout the induction period

15 Induction QA - Work collaboratively with the NQT’s school based mentor and headteacher throughout the induction period QA - Link with the Professional Programme Coordinators/EAS

16 Induction QA - Work collaboratively with the NQT’s school based mentor and headteacher throughout the induction period QA - Link with the Professional Programme Coordinators/EAS Submit reports/assessment information to EAS

17 Induction - 1 st visit Meet Headteacher/School based Mentor to discuss induction arrangements Meet NQT to clarify role of External Mentor Discuss Induction profile (Section 1, 2a, 2b, 3 (PTS) and 4) QA all parties involved

18 Induction NQTs will be mainly based in schools on full or part time contracts but external mentors may also be required to support short-term supply teachers undergoing induction

19 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Induction

20 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Induction Support NQTs in professional learning opportunities for the Masters Programme

21 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Induction Support NQTs in professional learning opportunities for the Masters Programme Provide a link between the NQT’s and MEP National Lead Mentors and Academic tutors

22 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Induction Support NQTs in professional learning opportunities for the Masters Programme Provide a link between the NQT’s and MEP National Lead Mentors and Academic tutors The role will continue beyond the Induction year. MEP – 3 Years

23 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Use skills in their own classroom practice to support NQTs in their professional learning

24 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Use skills in their own classroom practice to support NQTs in their professional learning Advise the MEP on activities, tasks and assessments on the MEP

25 Masters in Education Programme (MEP) Telephone/Email support 5 school visits per term (Spring/Summer)

26 Mentor Professional friend Professional advice on ‘School issues’ Outside school support mechanism

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