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Animal Chapter 1—Animals and Behavior New Book Animals Chapter One- 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Chapter 1—Animals and Behavior New Book Animals Chapter One- 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Chapter 1—Animals and Behavior New Book Animals Chapter One- 2010

2 Animal Diversity Lots of different kinds, characteristics, reproduction methods, survival methods for animals Scientists have names over 1 million different species of animals, estimate that there are 3 million species on earth Vertebrates—animals that have a backbone Invertebrates—animals that do not have a backbone

3 Animal Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic Almost all do sexual reproduction (male and female) Embryo is early stage of development for animal Can do asexual, like budding—part of an organism breaks off and develops into a new organism, regeneration

4 Animal Characteristics Many specialized parts, various parts that do various jobs—NAME SOME Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems Movement, move from place to place Consuming—eat food, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, consumers, decomposers, eat other organisms or organic matter

5 Animal Behavior Innate behavior—are inherited through genes, don’t depend on learning, you know how to ….already Learned behavior—has been learned from experience or from observing other animals, language etc

6 Survival Behavior Finding Food—predators and prey Marking Territory—territory is an area that is occupied by one animal or a group of animals, birds singing, markings Defensive behavior—protect resources, mates, babies, food, area, themselves Courtship—finding a mate, reproducing to send your genes along the lines

7 Parenting Taking care of young, bringing food, shelter, warmth etc Various levels of parenting

8 Seasonal Behaviors Migration—travel from one place to another, For food, weather, reproduction Use landmarks Hibernation—period of inactivity and decreased body temperature some animals use in winter, survive on stored food Estivation—period of inactivity during the summer, digging in a mud hole to stay cool

9 Seasonal Behaviors Biological Clock—internal control of an animals natural cycle Circadian rhythms—daily cycles, wake up, etc, day and night Seasonal cycles change with seasons

10 Communication Language, signals, body signals, communicate for various reasons, find food, warning, reproduction, learning, parenting Communicate by sound, touch, chemicals Sound—barking, howling, chirping, growling, clicking Touch—aggressive or nonaggressive, grooming Chemical—pheromones—a substance that is released by the body and that causes another individual of the same species to react in a predictable way

11 Sight Visual communication Body language and other forms, spread news about important things Ruffle feathers, look bigger See predators

12 Living Together Benefits—safer from predators, get more food, hunt together, reproduction, kill larger prey by working together Downside—compete, fight, not enough room, or enough food, males kill babies, diseases, attract predators

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