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Leo. ... Did you ________ at the age of___ ? go to school get married( 结婚 ) write a book read books by Mao Zedong leave school become a teacher begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Leo. ... Did you ________ at the age of___ ? go to school get married( 结婚 ) write a book read books by Mao Zedong leave school become a teacher begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leo

2 ... Did you ________ at the age of___ ? go to school get married( 结婚 ) write a book read books by Mao Zedong leave school become a teacher begin work go to school 7 Guessing

3 Why is Tony reading the book Tom Sawyer? He is _______about Mark Twain for his English class.writing Mark Twain Tom Sawyer Find out about him ____________. on the Internet

4 Guess: What will Tony choose for his writing ? 1.Who was Mark Twain? 2.When and where was he born? 3.When did he die? 4.How many books did he write? 5.What did he do in his life? 6.When did he do these things? … Listen and check. ( 听录音并勾出下列有提到的内容 )

5 1. Who was Mark Twain? He was a famous American writer. 2. When and where was he born? He was born in 1835 in Missouri. 3. What did he do in his life? Mark Twain’s life began work wrote for a newspaper took the name Mark Twain got work on a boat became famous left school 1 2 3 4 5 6 When at the age of 12 in the 1860s Listen and put them in right order. ( 听并排序 )...... Listen and match. ( 听并连线 ) 题目要不要?

6 Pairwork: Role-play the conversation( 两人对话 ) 想让学生对话后圈出 所有的过去式,然后 将黑板上没有的补充 上去。 但如果用英语 指令?? 另一个对话的任务是 接下来要做选词填空, 如何给学生指令提醒 他们?? 1. Who was Mark Twain? 2. When and where was he born? 3. What did he do in his life? … 1.When did Mark Twain begin his stories? A. at the age of 12 B. in the 1860s C. don’t know the exact date. 2. Betty: Did he stay in Missouri? Tony: No, he went to New York, and other cities. 这个选择题要不要?

7 Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He ______ born in 1835 in Missouri. His real name was Samuel Clemens. Mark Twain had a hard life before he ______ famous. At the age of 12, he ______ school and ______ work. He _____ stay at his hometown but ______to other cities to find jobs. He _____ for a newspaper and later ______ work on a boat. He _____ the name Mark Twain and became famous in the 1860s. Mark Twain was so popular that many people around the world like his books a lot. Mark Twain’s life history became leftbegan got went didn’t be, leave, begin, write, get, become, go, do, take was wrote took

8 Talk about Lu Xun’s life history. 1.What do you want to know? ( 小组讨论并写下你们想问的问题 ) 2. Ask and take notes. ( 问 ” 度娘 ” 并记录答案 ) 3. Give a report. ( 小组合作整理信息并汇报 ) Lu Xun was a famous Chinese writer … Don’t forget time: at the age of… in …

9 Homework 1.Regular work ( 常规作业 ) 2.Introduce one of your family member’s life history. ( 询问你的一位家人的生活经历并向同学介绍 ) 3. Find out some information about Shakespear on the Internet. ( 在网上查找一些关于莎士比亚的信息 )

10 A famous American writer Born: in Missouri Real name: Samuel Clemens

11 Life history ( 生平经历 ) At the age of 11 go to school go to school In 1906 leave home to Japan leave home to Japan At the age of 18 write the first book write the first book In 1918 take the name Lu Xun take the name Lu Xun At the age of 55 die in Shanghai die in Shanghai Lu Xun’s information Lu Xun, a famous Chinese writer, born in 1881 in Shaoxing,

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