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UDDI (Universal Description,Discovery and Integration) By S.NAGARJUNA M.Tech-C.S.E.

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Presentation on theme: "UDDI (Universal Description,Discovery and Integration) By S.NAGARJUNA M.Tech-C.S.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 UDDI (Universal Description,Discovery and Integration) By S.NAGARJUNA M.Tech-C.S.E

2 1)What is UDDI 2)History of UDDI 3)What does UDDI contain 4)Types of information within UDDI 5)UDDI registry information types 6)Advantages of UDDI 7)Limitations of UDDI

3 What is UDDI? UDDI is a platform –independent, Extensible-Markup Language(XML) based registry for businesses worldwide to list themselves on the Internet. UDDI provides a foundation for developers and administrators to readily share information about their internal web services across the internet. Developers can easily and quickly find and reuse the Web services available within the organization.

4 History of UDDI

5 What does UDDI contain Businesses and other service providers Services they expose Bindings (locations) of those services Interfaces supported by those services Need Of UDDI Can’t happen unless the services are advertised to multiple consumers

6 Types of information within UDDI Two types of information are registered within UDDI. 1. The first is the set of abstract service protocols, called tModels (technical models). -Used to describe the behavior of particular web services 2. Second type is the set of service providers, or the locations where the web services are implemented.

7 UDDI registry information types  Data captured within UDDI is divided in to three types. 1.White pages 2.Yellow pages 3.Green pages

8 White pages  White pages specify the Business Name Description of Business -Potentially in multiple languages Contact information like -Names, phone numbers, fax numbers, web sites.

9 Yellow pages  Yellow pages provide a classification of the service or business, based on standard taxonomies. --It include three types of classification i.Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). ii.North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). iii.United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPCS).

10 Green pages Green pages are used to describe how to access a Web Service, with information on the service bindings.(Technical information) Services can also be categorized. Some of the information related to web services i.e., address of the service, parameters&references to specification of interfaces. A service may have multiple green pages.

11 Advantages of UDDI o Greater Productivity -UDDI Services provides developers with a mechanism to find each other's services o Greater Manageability -UDDI Services provides an efficient way to categorize programmable resources on the network. o Smarter Applications -By using UDDI Services in applications, developers can query UDDI Services for service and binding information and dynamically adapt at run time.

12 Limitations of UDDI I.There is no uniform way of querying about services, service interfaces and classifications. II.UDDI does not support WSDL security III.Out-of-date service documents in UDDI registries. No dynamic discovery functionality IV.Limited query capabilities: search for services restricted to WS name and its classification


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