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Osteoporosis Risk Factors... Are You at Risk? Osteoporosis is a disease that leads to decreased bone density and leaves the bones weak and easily fractured.

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Presentation on theme: "Osteoporosis Risk Factors... Are You at Risk? Osteoporosis is a disease that leads to decreased bone density and leaves the bones weak and easily fractured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Osteoporosis Risk Factors... Are You at Risk? Osteoporosis is a disease that leads to decreased bone density and leaves the bones weak and easily fractured. This disease is known as a “silent thief” because bone loss occurs gradually and without symptoms. People don’t know that they have osteoporosis until they have broken a bone due to minimal incident. To find out if you are in risk, take this questionnaire. NEXT

2 Are you male or female? MaleFemale

3 Females are more likely to be affected than males because they have lower bone storage and higher rate of bone loss post menopause, but males can also be at risk. NEXT

4 Are you are female that is postmenopausal? NEXT

5 Hormonal changes during menopause decreases the body’s absorption of calcium. NEXT

6 Are you Asian or Caucasian? NEXT

7 Asians (Japanese and Chinese) and Caucasians are at high risk of osteoporosis. NEXT

8 Are you over 50? NEXT

9 After the age of 30 both male and female bone mass decreases continuously. NEXT

10 Has one of your parents or close relatives been diagnosed with osteoporosis or had a hip fracture? NEXT

11 Family history of osteoporosis increases the likelihood of having it. Especially when it is accompanied by certain life style factors. NEXT

12 Do you have a lean body build? NEXT

13 Those with a lean body build experience more bone loss than others. NEXT

14 Do you have one of the following medical conditions? Rheumatoid Arthritis Hyperthyroidism Hyperparathyrodism Vitamin D deficiency Chronic lung disease Chronic hepatic or renal disease Cancer Cushing’s disease Multiple sclerosis NEXT

15 Having one or more of these diseases increases the likelihood of bone weakness. NEXT

16 Are you taking one of these medications? Steroids Cancer treatments (radiation, chemotherapy) Antiepileptic medications Thyroid medicine Immunosuppressive agents NEXT

17 Prolonged use of these medications can decrease bone density. NEXT

18 Are you consuming more than 2 cups of alcohol several times a week? NEXT

19 If yes, you could be at risk of osteoporosis. NEXT

20 Do you drink more than 3 cups caffeine or soft drink /day? NEXT

21 These drinks decrease calcium levels in your bones. NEXT

22 Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet or in your daily supplements? NEXT

23 Low intake of calcium, vitamin D (essential for calcium absorption), magnesium or potassium increases your chances of osteoporosis. NEXT

24 Do you lead an active life style? NEXT

25 Sedentary life style puts you at risk of low bone density. NEXT

26 If you have one or more of these risk factors and you think you are at risk of osteoporosis you should speak to your doctor. NEXT

27 To learn the steps that are taken to diagnose a patient with osteoporosis stay tuned for my next publication. NEXT

28 If you want to read more about osteoporosis and the risk factors visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation:

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