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Polytechnic University Semi 5500 – Business and Presentation Skills Christian O. Sambolin Sierra.

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1 Polytechnic University Semi 5500 – Business and Presentation Skills Christian O. Sambolin Sierra

2 Basic Concepts Alternative or Natural medicine is known as holistic medicine. Holistic Medicine: the cause and cure of all diseases lie within the body. The body can heal itself provided the opportunity and natural supplements.

3 Basic Concepts Allopathic or Conventional Medicine: (literally, “other disease”) sees problems coming from outside the body. Conventional medicine divides by specialists.

4 Conventional Medicine Has the idea that diseases come from somewhere outside the body, invade it, make it sick and it requires certain drugs to make the body better again. Rich rewards motivate to manufacture, sell, and prescribe theoretical cures for diseases that are not real cures, but drugs that are supposed to cure diseases. The goal of medicine is more medicine, i.e., wealth. It is a market-driven industry.

5 Alternative Medicine The responsible variable in getting a disease is not its presence or absence, but rather the strength or weakness of the individual’s immune resistance. Holistic foods and supplements try to match the low intensity of the natural healing efforts of the body. Holistic methods never have harmful side effects. They work to detox the system, on the cellular level, and support cell nutrition, using whole food vitamins, minerals, enzymes, live foods, and selected herbs.

6 Natural Medicines A natural drug is a herbal concoction containing agents with neurologic effects similar to those controlled drugs requiring a prescription. There’s only one single nurturing effect. Instead of altering body systems the way drugs do, nutrients activate and support those systems. Real medicine. No side effects; no debris left over, no toxicity.

7 Synthetized Drugs A synthetic drug is one that has been synthesized with chemicals in a laboratory. Two things happen every time we take a drug: What the drug makes to the body. How the body adapts to the drug. Pharmaceutical drugs artificially alter the system in one of two primary ways: Slow down system operations. Accelerate system operations. Side effects

8 Pros of Alternative or Natural Medicine Alternative therapists focus on treating the whole person, and not just the symptoms of a disease or illness. Stress is treated as an important cause of many health problems and it considerably weakens the immune system. Considers prevention as one of the major prerequisites of good health. Do not have harmful effects. Treats patients without overloading them with chemical medications, which usually lead to a buildup of toxins

9 Cons of Alternative or Natural Medicine Many forms of treatment are not yet been scientifically proved and there are many questions that have not yet been answered. Most alternative medicine methods are not approved by any governing body and there are not any health insurance companies that provide coverage for them. Long-term treatments Alternative medicine cannot intervene in emergency cases, such as car accidents or other circumstances. A healing method that can be useful for one person is not necessarily effective for another.

10 Alternative or Natural Medicine Survey Do you know the benefits of alternative or natural medicine?

11 Alternative or Natural Medicine Survey Do you believe natural herbal formulas are as healing as synthetic drugs?

12 Alternative or Natural Medicine Survey Has the government and other bigger economy interest deviated the attention from alternative or natural medicine?

13 Alternative or Natural Medicine Survey Does alternative or natural medicine should be considered as the first choice of treatment?

14 What do you think? Leigh Anne Miles was a long-haul flights air hostess. During her long travels she began to develop general aches and pains, then sciatica down her left side, all the way down to her hip and foot. Leigh Anne tried all sorts of methods and treatments to sort out her sciatica, but nothing was successful until the Ki acupressure massage. Ki energy treatment helps people get better type of acupressure massage that seeks to unblock energy from specific points in our bodies.

15 Reflection “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.” - Hippocrates

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