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Chemistry of Life. Matter is anything that has _______ and takes up ________. mass space rocks soil water bear air trees.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry of Life. Matter is anything that has _______ and takes up ________. mass space rocks soil water bear air trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry of Life

2 Matter is anything that has _______ and takes up ________. mass space rocks soil water bear air trees

3 All matter is made up of ________.atoms An atom is the smallest unit of matter.

4 0 -1 Atoms consist of three types of smaller particles: _______________ are positively charged (+1) _______________ are neutral (no charge, 0) _______________ are negatively charged (-1) electrons neutrons protons protons neutrons electrons number of protonsnumber of electrons =


6 Aluminum, Al Matter can be composed of an element, a compound, or a mixture. Element – a pure substance made of one type of atom, and it cannot be broken down.

7 There are 109 elements. What makes one element different from another element?

8 96% of the mass of a human is made of only 4 elements – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

9 oxygen You are mostly composed of: carbon nitrogen hydrogen

10 Most elements do not exist alone. Elements combine to form compounds. Compound - a pure substance that is composed of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds. O HH

11 CO 2 is composed of __________________ and ___________________ joined by _______________ two atoms of oxygen one atom of carbon CARBON DIOXIDE - - - chemical bonds. CO 2 C O O Chemical formula? Double bonds

12 NH 3 Ammonia is composed of ___________________ and ______________________ joined by _______________ three atoms of hydrogen one atom of nitrogen AMMONIA - - - chemical bonds. NH H H Chemical formula?

13 O HH Water, H 2 O Chemical bond The elements that make up a compound are held together by chemical bonds. A chemical bond is a force of attraction between two atoms.

14 There are two types of chemical bonds: (1)Covalent bond – chemical bond between atoms in which electrons are shared. Covalent bond O H H

15 There are two types of chemical bonds: (2) Ionic bond – chemical bond between atoms in which electrons are transferred to other atom. Ionic bond Cl - Na +

16 ELEMENT One type of atom

17 COMPOUND Two or more different atoms chemically attached

18 Element or compound? compound element

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