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Some steps to follow. Natalia Kuntso School of Vyhoda.

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1 Some steps to follow. Natalia Kuntso School of Vyhoda


3 Email is meant for quick, simple communication. As a general guide that means roughly 4 or 5 paragraphs at most. Most people have a limited attention span with email - if they are receiving a lot of mail you want to get the main message explained in the shortest possible space.

4  Use an informative subject line, which says what the email is about.  Write the most important information first.  Use numbers and bullet points to  make the message clearer.  Use simple grammar. Avoid things like the passive. (As emails are a fast means of communication, they tend to be less wordy and complex than formal letters.)  Write short sentences.  Use paragraphs to keep the email clear and easy to understand  Write 'hello' as your subject line.  write about irrelevant issues. The  reader will soon hit 'delete' if the email doesn't get to the point.  Give personal information that you don't want anyone else to know. (The email could end up in the wrong hands)  Use capital letters to write whole words as in emails, this is considered shouting.  Use different fonts in the email (the recipient's computer may not be compatible)  Use Italics (the reason may be misunderstood, due to cultural differences).  Use exclamation marks.  Use abbreviations like coz and uni, as the recipient may not understand them.   -Use acronyms like BTW for the same reason.   -Use smileys. They may be misunderstood and come across as unprofessional

5 }:-( Your toupee is blowing in the wind ;-) I’m only joking! 8-) I’m wearing glasses 0:-)The writer just made a sweet or innocent remark :-)(-: I’m married :-\ I’m undecided First appear ance 1963 Created by Harvey Ball [1]

6 DO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR MATTER IN EMAIL? YES, IT DOES. MOST EMAIL PROGRAMS TODAY HAVE BUILT-IN SPELL CHECKERS SO THERE IS NO EXCUSE! WHAT ARE PLAIN TEXT AND HTML FORMAT EMAIL?  What do cc: and bcc: mean?  There is a certain etiquette with email. It is courteous to add addresses to the 'cc' ( carbon copy ): field if those people need to know about the subject but are not required to act on the contents.  The 'bcc' (blind carbon copy): field is useful where discretion is required. People in this field are concealed from other recipients in the 'To', 'cc:' and 'bcc:' fields. They can themselves see others in the 'To' and 'cc:' fields but not the 'bcc:' fields.


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