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作文讲评 自哥本哈根气候大会以来, “ 实行低碳经济 ” , “ 过低碳生活 ” 已成 为人们关注的热门话题。最近你班就这个话题展开了热烈的讨 论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给 21st Century 写篇文章,报 道你们班的讨论情况。 为什么要 “ 实行低碳经济 ” 温室气体大量排放,污染严重,

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Presentation on theme: "作文讲评 自哥本哈根气候大会以来, “ 实行低碳经济 ” , “ 过低碳生活 ” 已成 为人们关注的热门话题。最近你班就这个话题展开了热烈的讨 论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给 21st Century 写篇文章,报 道你们班的讨论情况。 为什么要 “ 实行低碳经济 ” 温室气体大量排放,污染严重,"— Presentation transcript:

1 作文讲评 自哥本哈根气候大会以来, “ 实行低碳经济 ” , “ 过低碳生活 ” 已成 为人们关注的热门话题。最近你班就这个话题展开了热烈的讨 论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给 21st Century 写篇文章,报 道你们班的讨论情况。 为什么要 “ 实行低碳经济 ” 温室气体大量排放,污染严重, 环境恶化 如何走 “ 绿色发展道路 ” 1 .植树造林 2 .开发清洁能源和再生性能源 3 .回收和利用废弃物 过低碳生活如何 “ 从我做起 ” (联系自己拟定内容,至少列 举两点) 注意: 1 .对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2 .词数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 3 .文章中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。

2 为什么要 “ 实行低碳经济 ” 1.Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, a large amount of greenhouse gases were released / given off, leading to / resulting in / causing /, which leads to serious pollution./ so that our environment has been heavily polluted. 2.When it comes to environmental pollution, we can ’ t but admit that it is a large amount of gas emission that contributes to it. That ’ s why we carried out low carbon economy. 3.The reasons why we must carry out a low carbon economy is that the environment is polluted heavily because of / on account of a large amount of gases released into the air.

3 过渡句 1.The main problem facing us at present is what we can do to promote a low carbon economy. 2.How to live a low carbon life ? 3. As to how to carry out the topic, some tips are as follows. 4.In order to solve this problem, we have no option/choice but to take proper measures.

4 如何走 “ 绿色发展道路 ” 1. For one thing, planting more trees counts. For another, the necessity of developing clean and renewable energy can’t be over emphasized. Last but not least, we should bear recycling and reusing something in mind. 2. Another solution we can’t ignore is that… 3. Additionally, switching the wastes into valuable things is also an environmentally friendly way to support low carbon life. 4. There is no denying that planting a good many trees is of benefit to reduce the pollution. 5. Last but not least, recycling industry plays an important role in sustainable development..

5 过低碳生活如何 “ 从我做起 ” 1. I’m greatly convinced that as long as each of us makes an effort to reduce carbon emission, we can make a big difference and develop a harmonious relationship with our environment. 2. Not until everyone realizes the importance of low carbon economy will our world become a comfortable place to live in. 3. I’m greatly convinced that if everyone does their bits, it will make a big difference.

6 4. As far as I’m concerned, as an old saying goes, “ Action speaks louder than words “, we should …. 5. Meanwhile, we can’t fail to see the fact that it is a good choice for everyone to take a bus. 6. Only with joint efforts can we make a healthy environment and stable economy possible at the same time.

7 学生佳作欣赏: With the rapid development of economy, tons of greenhouse gases have been released into the air, which makes our environment worse and polluted seriously. Facing these environmental problems, we come up with several solutions as follows. To begin with, more trees should be planted, which will take in more greenhouse gases. Secondly, our country should launch a series of technological and financial policies to promote the use of clean energy as well as renewable energy. Last but not least, the waste should be collected and reused.

8 Meanwhile, we also can’t fail to shoulder our own duty. In our daily life, we have lots of things to do. For instance, we can turn off the lights when we are the last to leave. What’s more, we can ride a bike or take a bus instead of driving a car. I’m greatly convinced that if everyone does their bits, our earth will be more clean and beautiful.

9 范文 Since the Copenhagen Climate Conference, carrying out low carbon common & living a low carbon life has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it. Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country. Fossil fuels have been mainly used for power for quite a long time, thus producing larger quantities of greenhouse gases and causing serious pollution. People have paid more attention to economic growth than the environmental protection. / People have given priority to economic growth over the environmental protection. If the situation continues, China will die of its own development.

10 During the discussion, my classmates put forward the following suggestions about how to take a green development path. First, more trees should be planted to expand forest coverage. Second, clean energy and renewable energy should be developed. Third, many things that people throw away should be recycled and reused. We all think it everyone’s duty to live a low carbon life. We should try to save every bit of water and electricity. We should use public transportation as much as possible. Besides, we should call on people around us to make contributions to creating a green homeland.

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