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Progress made in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme Kishan Kumarsingh Chair of the SBSTA Twenty-seventh session of the Subsidiary Body for.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress made in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme Kishan Kumarsingh Chair of the SBSTA Twenty-seventh session of the Subsidiary Body for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress made in the implementation of the Nairobi work programme Kishan Kumarsingh Chair of the SBSTA Twenty-seventh session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

2 Content Structure and objectives Approach to implementation Activities and deliverables Involvement of Parties, organizations and experts Delivering until Bonn, and the way forward Concluding remarks

3 Structure and objectives Technologies for adaptation Research Adaptation planning & practices Risks & extreme events Economic diversification Assist all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS, to Improve their understanding of climate change impacts and vulnerability Increase their ability to make informed decisions on how to adapt successfully Methods & tools Data & observations Modelling, scenarios & downscaling Socio-economic information

4 Approach to implementation 1.Mandated SBSTA activities 2.Furthering the reach of the mandated activities 3.Catalysing action by Parties and organizations

5 Approach to implementation 1.Mandated SBSTA activities –Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations –Synthesis reports and web-based interface on adaptation –Workshops and expert meetings, and subsequent reports

6 ‘From Nairobi to Bali’ FebruaryMayJune Submissions on: Risks and extreme events 18-20, Cairo, Egypt: Workshop on risks and extreme events Submissions on: Methods and tools Adaptation planning and practices 1.Mandated activities

7 ‘From Nairobi to Bali’ 1.Mandated activities September 10-12, Rome, Italy: Workshop on adaptation planning and practices Synthesis of information on: Methods and tools Research Technologies for adaptation Economic diversification Synthesis of information on: Adaptation planning and practices Outputs from expert groups August Submissions on: Economic diversification Data and observation Climate modelling, scenarios and downscaling Socio-economic information Group of experts Rome workshop report Cairo workshop report

8 Approach to implementa tion  Generating expanded ownership and ensuring expert input: Small preparatory meetings with experts from different organisations Expert consultancy Invitation experts in addition to Party nominees  Dissemination and outreach: –Two issues of reader-friendly versions of Nairobi work programme –Dissemination of products through NWP partner organizations –Groundwork for NWP web portal 2.Furthering the reach of mandated activities

9 Approach to implementa tion –Engaging a wide range of organizations in the different activities, and encouraging them to undertake their own activities towards the Nairobi work programme objectives –Introducing Call for Action sheets and encouraging Action Pledges –Enhancing cooperation among multiple partners 3.Catalyzing action by Parties and organizations

10 Workshops and expert meetings with recommendations Views of Parties on gaps and needs Calls for Action 90 organizations active in the NWP with focal points Action Pledges Parties, organizations, experts, civil society, private sector active in adaptation ‘Supply’ of adaptation activities ‘Demand’ for adaptation activities Engaging organizations and stakeholders

11 Involvement of Parties, organizations and experts Attendance at the workshops in Cairo and Rome 71% from Non-Annex I Parties 29% from Annex I Parties 100 representatives from Parties and relevant national experts 96 representatives from a broad range of organizations as well as the three expert groups under the UNFCCC (LEG, CGE and EGTT) 39% from regional and national development/ research institutions 17% from NGOs 44% from UN organizations and other IGOs

12 February March June SBSTA 28 April Joint expert meeting on methods and tools and data and observation Submissions on further activities by 21 March Expert meeting on socio- economic information In-session workshop on climate modelling, scenarios and downscaling Informal meeting of representatives from Parties to consider the outcomes of NWP activities Review of the work programme, and further activities Reports on the expert meetings on socio- economic information; methods, tools, data and observation; and the informal meeting Summary report consolidating the results of the implementation of the NWP by SBSTA 29 Web-based interface providing information on existing adaptation practices and local coping strategies Delivering on the initial activities ‘From Bali to Bonn’ May December SBSTA 29

13 Expected way forward Enhanced capacity of all Parties to undertake practical adaptation action Enhanced assistance to all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS Findings of IPCC AR4 UNFCCC SBSTA Completed activities prior to SBSTA 28 New activities after SBSTA 28 Informal meeting and consideration at SBSTA 28 Wide range of organizations undertaking their own activities Possible input to related adaptation activities under the UNFCCC SBI

14 Concluding remarks Activities, deliverables and work of involved organizations constitute a solid foundation for contributing to the main objective of the Nairobi work programme The Nairobi work programme could provide a valuable contribution to the package of adaptation activities in the future regime

15 Thank you All official documents are available at the documents counter More information available in the brochure and on the UNFCCC website

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