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Your Name Date Welcome to New Jersey. State History First Inhabitants −Name the major tribes of Native Americans that lived in this state. Include a few.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name Date Welcome to New Jersey. State History First Inhabitants −Name the major tribes of Native Americans that lived in this state. Include a few."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name Date Welcome to New Jersey

2 State History First Inhabitants −Name the major tribes of Native Americans that lived in this state. Include a few interesting facts about these people. Exploration −Which European explorers visited your state and where did they come from? Settlement −Where was the first post-explorer settlement located in your state? Who started it and why?

3 State History, continued Colonial Days −If your state was one of the original thirteen colonies, explain what life was probably like during that time.

4 This state became the _____ state in the United States in __________. The first Governor of the state was _________________. Statehood

5 Government National Government −Name the current United States Senators and Representatives. State Government −Name the current governor. −Describe the state’s legislature.

6 Population 1950: 1960: 1970: 1980: 1990: 2000 Over the past fifty years the population has (increased/decreased).

7 Economy Chief products of the state include: −Agricultural (farm) products −Mining products −Manufactured goods

8 Weather The average high temperature in July is: The average high temperature in January is: The average yearly precipitation is:

9 Natural Resources Water −Name the major rivers and bodies of water. Minerals −Name and describe a few different kinds of minerals.

10 Natural Resources, continued Plant Life −Name and describe some of the trees and wildflowers. Animal Life −Name and describe some of the wild animals.

11 State Fun Facts Tell fun/interesting facts about NJ. At least 5 interesting facts and I mean interesting (can add extra slides)

12 State Legends Tell folk tales or legends of NJ. At least 3 – describe them(can add extra slides)

13 Places to Visit Choose places in your state that would be interesting to visit. Tell where they are located in the state and why it would be interesting to visit. (At least 5) (can add extra slides)

14 Maps In this space, insert map of your state showing your places to see. Point out the state capital.

15 Famous People Choose five well known residents of your state. Tell what they did to become famous.

16 Works Cited List the resources you used for your research.

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