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Automatic Lung Nodule Detection Using Deep Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Automatic Lung Nodule Detection Using Deep Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatic Lung Nodule Detection Using Deep Learning
REU student: Winona Richey Graduate student: Naji Khosravan Professor: Dr. Bagci

2 CAD Lung Nodule Detection
Li F, Arimura H, Suzuki K, et al. Computer-aided detection of peripheral lung cancers missed at CT: ROC analyses without and with localization. Radiology 2005; 237:

3 Problem Overview CT scans: gold standard for lung nodule diagnosis
Nodule detection from CT scans is difficult CAD systems offer radiologists a second opinion  Convolutional layers  accuracy data required to avoid overfitting Other factors Limited training data Time efficiency

4 Project Overview Hand Crafted Features Data Augmentation Custom CNN
Existing rules for assessing Malignancy WHO, RECIST Data Augmentation Editing existing data Add noise Rotate Optimized Augmentation Efficiency and Accuracy Dependent on developed CNN Custom CNN Evaluate pre-trained networks Develop our own CNN: not too deep, not too shallow

5 Custom CNN Develop a CNN to analyze CT scans With higher accuracy
With lower minimum data requirement fully automated in 2.5D (takes 2D image slices along x, y and z axes of a 3D input)

6 Tasks Accomplished Familiarization with topic Library installations
Data Preparation Locate all nodules for each image Update naming/searching process Save calculated image coordinates Output updated, consolidated annotations Understanding Pre-trained CNN IP: Layer output evaluation

7 Project Preparation Background Information Programs/Installations
Neural Networks and Deep Learning Radiography and CT Patterns Reticular/Linear, Nodular, Consolidation, GGOs, Cavities, Mixtures (Tree-in-Bud) Feature Extraction Low level, high level, clinical parameters Programs/Installations MATLAB MatConvNet: Imagenet-vgg-f Python TensorFlow, ITK, SimpleITK, SKImage. Basemap,PIL

8 Determining Multiple Nodules
Annotations Global locations (X, Y, Z) sizes of nodules (diameter in mm) Some patients have more than one nodule Goal: detect all nodules for a patient Save calculated annotations Location in image (X, Y, Z) Add to previous annotations for easy referencing

9 Analyze CNN at each Layer
MATLAB MatConvNet Goal: display the output of each convolutional layer Process: Modify existing CNN code Iterate through each layer Express layer output as an image Display and save images

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