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Global II Ch. 19, Sec. 5 Napoleon in Triumph and Defeat Read pgs. 447 - 451.

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Presentation on theme: "Global II Ch. 19, Sec. 5 Napoleon in Triumph and Defeat Read pgs. 447 - 451."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global II Ch. 19, Sec. 5 Napoleon in Triumph and Defeat Read pgs. 447 - 451

2 Objectives 8.13Explain how Napoleon created an Empire in Europe 8.14Describe how Napoleon was finally defeated 8.15Discuss how the French Revolution and Napoleon reshaped Europe

3 LESSON LAUNCH Ask the person next to you: What was important about the Napoleonic Code?

4 1. Napoleonic Code Organizes reforms of Revolution 1. Equality 2. Jobs on Ability 3. Religious Toleration 4. Man runs his house State above individual Will influence all the lands that Napoleon Conquers

5 Empire of Napoleon Great Britain is the only European power that does not come under Napoleon’ Rule

6 2. Napoleon’s Foreign Policy First fought to defend the revolution Forced Austria from war Later fought to build empire Fought Prussia, Russia, Austria Kept powers divided Continental System Strategy to deal with Great Britain Blockade trade Hurts French, loses trade Confederation of the Rhine Reorganizes German States Taste of Nationalism

7 3. Resentment by Europe Self Determination/Nationalism Resent taxes to France All went through new French National Bank Loss of Culture

8 4. The Emperor’s Downfall - Russia Continental System hurt Russian trade Resume trade with England Napoleon invades with 600,000 troops!! Russians retreat inland and burn crops and homes Fought at Moscow and wins Russians left city deserted and in flames Napoleon retreats – Winter coming Russian winter upon retreat Frozen, starving French army Fewer than 100,000 French troops leave Russia.

9 5. Legacy of Napoleon and the French Revolution Reason, Order, Efficiency Nationalism Ends Feudal Customs Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Napoleonic Code National Bank Gov’t. sponsored education

10 Closure How did Napoleon create an Empire in Europe? How was Napoleon Finally defeated? How did the French Revolution and Napoleon help shape Europe?

11 HOMEWORK Napoleonic Code How did the Napoleonic Code organize the reforms of the French Revolution?

12 178989-9191-9292-9595 -99 1799 - 1815 Louis XVI & Estates General Tennis Court Oath Storming of Bastille National Assembly Declaration of R. of M. Citizen Const. of 1791 Const. Mon. Legislative A. War w/ Prussia & Austria King Imprisoned Nat. Conv. Comm. Of P.S. 1 st Republic Reign of Terror King Executed Robespierre executed Directory Corrupt Riots among poor Napoleon Empire Napoleonic Code Invasion of Russia Final Battle at Waterloo

13 a.1812 b.France, Poland, Italian States, Neth. c.Austria, Prussia, Spain, Norway, Denmark Portugal, G.B. & Russia

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