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1 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 LHCb and other outreach activities as far as I know them…. l LHCb central activities : LHCb public.

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1 1 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 LHCb and other outreach activities as far as I know them…. l LHCb central activities : LHCb public web pages….. l LHCb outreach activities = outreach activities by LHCb people

2 2 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Outreach activities l Based on inquiry (one week…) l Many official CERN guides! l Val Gibson (Cambridge, UK) - lecture general, CP violation, LHCb : è The Cavendish experiment - biannual event for schools, incl visit to CERN è IBM summer program - lecture series on particle physics è International Undergraduate Summer Student School è Particle Physics Masterclasses - All UK institutes involved with particle physics invite ‘A’ level high school students for lectures and demonstrations è The Institute of Physics Teachers Update programme è Travelling lecturer at schools l Victoria Wright (Liverpool, UK) : è Particle Physics Masterclasses, Physics Olympics, GETSET è Pupil Researcher Initiative (Sheffield Hallam Univ.) - inform about science and academic research è Museum, exhibitions, Science books for children(!) è Involved in Science Communication Unit (Liverpool Univ)

3 3 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Outreach activities cont’d l Joao de Mello Neto (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) : è Series of ten lectures “Physics for Poets” for the general public - hope to make it a recurrent event l Glenn Patrick (RAL, UK) : è Frontier Physics for Teachers - Series of weekend workshops with lectures, tutorials and demonstrations è Particle Physics Masterclasses è Community Education and Public Lectures - new initiative with Univ. of Bath with lectures on particle physics for the general public l Sascha Schmelling (CERN) : è development of an interactive teaching and learning system for high energy physics (used in german schools) è development of curriculae for modern physics in Germany è supervising students and teachers working in the field of teaching modern physics è member of the committee and lecturer at the High School Teacher’s summer school at CERN è trainer for teachers in Rheinland-Pfalz/Germany in the field of modern physics

4 4 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Swedish schools at CERN l The visits are entirely organized from CERN (Kristina Gunne, SRC-CERN R. Jacobsson, CERN) l Problem : far and expensive ==> Offer wider program è 4-7 days => 2 days at CERN and a few days visiting Red Cross, UN, etc (K. Gunne) l Visit at CERN: è Introduction to CERN and particle physics è Visits to several sites è Lectures on different experiments è Visit to computer center, Microcosm, etc è Voluntary open discussion session about “anything” : 2 - 5 h 1998 199920002001(<June) 15 18 19 15 270 180 260 280++ Number of group Number of students

5 5 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Swedish teachers at CERN l “Physics research at the frontier”: Training course for senior high school teachers Held once a year 1992 - 2000 3-4 days / 10 - 30 participants (2001: 38 !) l Travel and accommodation organized by: l Course responsible and organizer at CERN: R. Jacobsson (K. Gunne) l Course definition: To a large extent contents are driven by the participants Introduction to CERN and particle physics Visits to several accelerators and experiments + lectures Lectures on particle physics + analysis on real DELPHI data (HoC) Technology: Web, grid, p.p. in medicine, general, etc Open discussions on science, man, society and the environment l Sometimes been combined with “Ecology of the Alps” (3-4 days)

6 6 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Particle Physics CD-ROM l Education package in particle physics aimed at s.h. students è James Gillies and R. Jacobsson è Ideas and material from many sources l Contents: è Particle physics divided into introduction + advanced è Accelerators divided into introduction + advanced è Detectors divided into introduction + advanced è Non-accelerator particle physics è Working projects in collaboration with Stockholm - Hands on CERN Should be sufficient to study introductions l First version launched a bit more than a year ago è Metaphore : “Book/library style” è Tested by > 50 teachers (UK, Sweden, Greece) l Second version: è Acknowledge great help from summer student Olaf Lenz è Metaphore : “Walking around the CERN site” è Illustrating written material with more figures and animations è June 2001

7 7 Richard Jacobsson, CERN Outreach Network, 27-28/04/2001 Conclusions l Sorry for not having covered (surely!) all activities! l Manpower in LHCb…. l Many projects by individuals l Swedish visits: invaluable work by K. Gunne stationed at CERN l CD-ROM, may we find time to work on it…! l Some worries…

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