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 The transition period between childhood and adulthood. This period has gotten longer over the past century.

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2  The transition period between childhood and adulthood. This period has gotten longer over the past century.

3  Puberty The period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing. Starts at approximately age 11 in females and age 13 in males Major growth spurt usually happens during this period.  Girls tend to have an earlier growth spurt  Boys’ growth spurt lasts longer and generally become taller than girls after age 14

4  Primary Sex Characteristics The reproductive organs  ovaries in females  testes in males  external genitalia. Menarche – beginning of menstruation

5  Secondary Sex Characteristics Non- reproductive sexual organs  Breast and hip development in females  Voice quality and facial hair in males


7  Sexual Orientation One’s attraction toward people of a particular gender Usually heterosexual (attracted to people of the other gender) or homosexual (attracted to people of the same gender); small minority bisexual

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