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Cytoplasm. Description and Location Fluid that fills a cell Gel like appearance Made up of mostly water and salt Contains all organelles and cell parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Cytoplasm. Description and Location Fluid that fills a cell Gel like appearance Made up of mostly water and salt Contains all organelles and cell parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cytoplasm

2 Description and Location Fluid that fills a cell Gel like appearance Made up of mostly water and salt Contains all organelles and cell parts

3 Function Gives the cell volume Allows for materials inside the cell to transport between organelles more easily These materials include nutrients and other chemicals

4 The Nucleus/Nucleolus By Kiera and Emma

5 Description and Location Contains chromatin. A membrane bound structure. Location can vary, depending on the type of cell. Usual location is the center.

6 Function The nucleus is the “control center” of the cell. Contains genetic information. The nucleolus forms ribosomes.

7 Golgi Body

8 Description and Location Composed of stacks of saccules (flattened vacuoles) One side (inner face) directed to nucleus and ER Other side (outer face) directed to plasma membrane

9 Functions Modifies, packages, stores and distributes proteins Produces lysosomes Eg. hormones secreted into blood by glands

10 Cystoskeleton



13 Ribosomes

14 About Ribosomes attached to the e.r. or free within the cytoplasm (in groups, as polyribosomes or polysomes) small, dense granules Composed of 2 subunits of RNA and protein

15 Functions of Ribosomes protein builders of the cell travel along RNA and connect amino acids into polypeptides polyribosomes can make several polypeptides at the same time

16 Vacuoles and vesicles

17 Location and Structure Membrane bound sac Plant cells – large central vacuole Animal cells – found throughout Vesicles are small vacuoles

18 Function Storage and transport of substances May break off of or fuse with cell membrane, e.r., Golgi

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