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Colombia (Named derived from Christopher Columbus’ surname) c.

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1 Colombia (Named derived from Christopher Columbus’ surname) c

2 Location Colombia is located in the north-western corner of South America between Panama and Venezuela.

3 Mountains and rivers The highest mountain in Colombia is the Pico Cristobal Colon at 5,775m high and the lowest is the Azufral at 4,070m high. The largest river that runs through Colombia is the Amazon river it is 7,050,000 sq km long.

4 Climate and biomes The climate is very warm and tropical on the coast and in the north. The rainy season is from May to November and it is cooler in the highlands. The main biomes include rainforest, savannah and grassland. In the rainforest it is very wet and humid. The savannah is warm and wet and in the grass lands the temperature varies.

5 Flag, currency, population The currency in Colombia is peso. The current population in Colombia is 49,821,997. The president is called Juan Manuel Santos.

6 Food and religion Colombians eat roast guinea pigs. The main Colombian diet includes a lot of meat, there is also a good variety of fish in the coastal areas. The main religion in Colombia is Catholicism.

7 History The first Europeans to go to Colombia were Spanish. They founded the first settlement in Santa Marta in 1525. In 1538 Bogotá was founded it grew in to a large city and in 1717 was made the capital. In 1813 Colombia declared independence from Spain. There was two civil wars in 1899-1903 and 1946-1957.

8 Trade and industry The main trades in Colombia are petroleum, coffee, coal and bananas. Colombia is also well known for its illegal trade of drugs. 75% of the worlds illegal cocaine comes from Colombia! Colombia is a good country for growing stuff like coffee, cocoa beans and sugarcane because it is so hot.

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