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ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Its Impact on Western Civilization.

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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Its Impact on Western Civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Its Impact on Western Civilization

2 Greek mythology was based on a polytheistic religion.

3 Myths are stories that were told by Ancient Greeks. Myths were used to explain... 1. Natural phenomena, such as weather, the stars, the sea

4 2. Human qualities Dionysus (greed) Narcissus (conceit)

5 3. Life events Falling in love Death

6 Each god or goddess had a responsibility. Zeus was the king of the gods.

7 Hera was Zeus’s wife. She is the queen of the gods.

8 Apollo, the sun god, and Artemis, the moon goddess, are twins.

9 Athena is the goddess of war.

10 Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.

11 Many of Western (our) civilization’s symbols, metaphors, words, and idealized images come from ancient Greek mythology!

12 Greek symbols in math and science

13 Ancient Greek architecture also reflects the gods and goddesses.

14 Look familiar????

15 What’s the big idea? 1. The Greeks wrote myths to explain what they didn’t understand. This was their religion, and it influenced many aspects of their lives. 2. Ancient Greek symbols and images from this mythology is still used today in our architecture, business logos, math, science, and other areas.

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