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Journal Questions 1). What book was written in response to the Fugitive Slave Act? 2). What book was written in response to how the U.S. treated American.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Questions 1). What book was written in response to the Fugitive Slave Act? 2). What book was written in response to how the U.S. treated American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Questions 1). What book was written in response to the Fugitive Slave Act? 2). What book was written in response to how the U.S. treated American Indians? 3). Henry Clay proposed this idea to help unite the country in the 1820s?

2 Immigration During the Gilded Age

3 The Old Immigrants Came from Western Europe (England, France, Germany) Some spoke English Were Protestant Came before the Civil War

4 The New Immigrants Came from Eastern and Southern Europe Spoke many different languages Most were Catholic or Jewish Came after the Civil War

5 Why were so many Irish coming to America? –Potato Famine

6 Where were they coming into America? Ellis Island, New York Angel Island, California

7 Ellis Island


9 Who was coming to Angel Island?

10 Where were the immigrants going? Most immigrants were heading to American cities, why? –Jobs were there

11 What was it like for the immigrants entering urban life? –Culture Shock = the shock you feel moving into a culture you are unfamiliar with


13 How do immigrants blend in? Cultural Pluralism vs. Melting Pot Cultural Pluralism = Immigrants blended into the U.S. while keeping their own cultural identities

14 Melting Pot = Many cultures have blended together to form American culture

15 So much immigration led to a rise in Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act = Banned the Chinese from coming to America


17 Most immigrants worked in Sweatshops and lived in Tenements Conditions were bad and wages were low for the immigrants Who will help them out?

18 REFORMERS Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives Book showed the poor living conditions immigrants faced



21 Reformers Jane Adam’s opened Hull House = A settlement home that gave immigrants a place to stay

22 Why help out the immigrants? Social Gospel = Its your Christian duty to help those in need

23 Journal Question Do you feel a need to help others, or should we just take care of ourselves?

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