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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Charles’s & Boyle’s Law Phases of matter Phase Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Charles’s & Boyle’s Law Phases of matter Phase Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Charles’s & Boyle’s Law Phases of matter Phase Changes PHEOC & graphing Other

2 a. Boyle’s Law describes the relationship between _________ & __________. b. Charles’s Law has to do with the relationship between _________&__________.

3 a.Volume and pressure. b. Volume and temperature

4 a. As temperature increases, volume _________. b. As pressure increases, volume _________.

5 a. As temperature increases, volume Increases. b. As pressure increases, volume Decreases.

6 Name an example of Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law that we did in class.

7 Boyle’s Law: Syringe and books Pushing air in cheeks to 1 side potato gun Charles Law: Balloon and bottle (Syringe in hot and cold water) tire/balloon popping

8 Explain why the balloon expands when the bottle with a balloon attached is submerged into hot water? (address gas particles)

9 There are more collisions with gas particles against the balloon and against each other causes it to take up more space.

10 What does a Charles’s Law graph look like?


12 What are the four phases of matter?

13 Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma

14 Is Boyle’s or Charles Law an example of a graph that is directly proportional?

15 Charles Law is directly proportional. When temp increases, so does volume. Boyle’s Law is inversely proportional When pressure increase, volume decrease

16 Particles that are vibrating in place is an example of what phase?

17 Solids

18 The particles are spread apart the most in what phase of matter?

19 Gases

20 All liquids have _____ shape and _______volume.

21 Liquids do not have definite shape, but have a definite volume.

22 What is the phase change from a solid to a gas called? give an example.

23 Sublimation Dry ice

24 A liquid will turn into a gas when energy is _____.

25 Absorbed or taken in Gases have more energy than liquids. Liquids must gain energy to turn to a gas

26 Drops of water on the outside of a glass shows what phase change is happening?

27 Condensation (water vapor changes to liquid)

28 A gas will turn to a liquid when it, _______ energy.

29 releases, gives off, loses

30 In order for a phase change to occur, what will happen regarding temperature and heat?

31 There will be a change in heat energy, but NOT temperature. Thank you for using my jeopardy game. Write down this question and answer and hand in before the test for extra credit.

32 An educated guess is called what in the scientific method?

33 hypothesis

34 A graph’s title must be at least 3 words and is never what?

35 A question

36 The collection of graphs, charts, data without applying any interpretation is called what in the scientific method?

37 Observations (conclusions include interpretations)

38 Each axis on a graph needs two labels, they include what 2 parts?

39 A noun and the label for measurement (for example ) temperature 0 C

40 When you’re look at your hypothesis and summarize your results, what part of the scientific method are you doing?

41 conclusion

42 Water boils at ___ 0 C __ 0 _F Water freezes at ___ 0 C ___ 0 F

43 Water’s boiling point: 100 o C and 212 o F Water’s freezing point: 0 o C and 32 o F

44 If a helium balloon is filled completely in an air conditioned, store, then placed in a 100 degree van, what would happen? why?

45 The balloon would pop; the gas molecules gain heat energy and push against the sides, causing the balloon to pop

46 The independent variable in an experiment is what?

47 The one “I” change or manipulate in the test

48 Where does the water droplet on a glass of ice cold water in summer come from?

49 The water droplets were from the gas form in the surrounding air

50 High viscosity means

51 The liquid is thick. It is difficult to pour.

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