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Promotion and Tenure. Quick overview of P&T Requirements Each of these areas has a defined standard/benchmark that faculty are expected to achieve (below-meet-exceed)

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1 Promotion and Tenure

2 Quick overview of P&T Requirements Each of these areas has a defined standard/benchmark that faculty are expected to achieve (below-meet-exceed) Most full-time faculty are tenure-track (typically apply “go up” during your 6 th year) *up or out Promotion and tenure have different Requirements - For promotion must exceed the standard in at least two areas - For tenure must at least meet the standard in all three areas P&T TeachingServiceScholarship

3 Teaching What are the Standards for teaching? Consistent and sustained scores that are statistically similar to school averages Peer evaluations indicates satisfactory teaching performance Contributes actively to course development Develops and demonstrates a well-stated philosophy of teaching Demonstrates collaborative work with faculty within the department and program To be considered excellent/exceed the standard in teaching a faculty member should Consistent and sustained scores that are statistically higher than school averages Peer evaluations indicates excellent teaching performance Demonstrates leadership in instruction and educational initiatives Honors and awards in the area of teaching

4 Service What are the Standards for service? (Promotion from Assistant to Associate and Tenure) Has or had a leadership role in a professional or scientific organization at the state or regional level Participated in community service projects To be considered excellent/exceed the standard in service a faculty member should Multiple leadership roles in state or regional professional/scientific organizations Leadership role in national scientific/professional organization Sustained efforts in community service activities Assume leadership roles on pharmacy or college committees Receive recognition for service ** For promotion to professor the standard is a leadership role in a national scientific/professional organization

5 Scholarship What are the Standards for Scholarship? “(b) Scholarly Activity. In order to meet the standard for scholarship for tenure and/or promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor, a faculty member must have published four articles. For promotion to Professor, a faculty member must have published, as a minimum, four additional articles in a nationally circulated journal or book. *nationally circulated infers that the article is “peer reviewed” To be considered excellent in the area of scholarly activity, a faculty member must demonstrate substantial evidence of additional and sustained scholarly activities. These activities may include, extramural grants, presentation at professional and scientific meetings, documented innovations in teaching, monographs, abstracts, editorials, book reviews, continuing education modules, and poster presentations.”

6 Promotion and Tenure Timeline ActivityDeadlinesComments Letter of IntentJune 1 Letter presented to Chair of P&T committee, department chair and Dean Completed files/portfolioJuly 15Portfolio in digital measures must be completed External review recommendationsJuly 15 Candidate must provide the names of at least 4 outside faculty members who may conduct external reviews Recommendation letter from ChairAugust 1 Recommendation letter with justifications will be submitted to chair of P&T committee External reviews completedOctober 1 P&T committee will solicit two external peer reviews. Reviews will be returned directly to committee. Review of dossierSeptember 1-November 1 P&T committee will review candidates portfolio and other supporting documentation Recommendation letter from P&T committeeNovember 1 Letter sent to Dean of School of Pharmacy by Chair of P&T Review and recommendation letter from DeanNovember 1- December 1 After review, recommendation letter and dossier are forwarded to President Review and vote by PC board of trusteesSpring Board Meeting Candidate will be notified of the official results at the conclusion of the board meeting Effective date of promotion and tenure actionJuly 1If promotion and/or tenure awarded it will become effective the following July 1.

7 Strategies/Tips Collaboration Time management - Don’t wait -Maximize summers Realistic approach At least 1 article per year If possible try to develop an area of expertise Document

8 Faculty Development -Money for travel -Interdepartmental “shadowing” -Mini grants -Seminar series -Workshops -Director of research Annual Activity Reports-Digital Measures

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