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GMO ’ s Genetically Modified Organisms. What are GMO ’ s? GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been manipulated by genetic engineering techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "GMO ’ s Genetically Modified Organisms. What are GMO ’ s? GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been manipulated by genetic engineering techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 GMO ’ s Genetically Modified Organisms

2 What are GMO ’ s? GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been manipulated by genetic engineering techniques Humans have been involved in selective crossing for thousands of years

3 How are GMO’s made? Today, GMO’s can be produced by molecular manipulation We can take a gene from one organism and insert it directly into another This advancement in bioengineering allows genes to be inserted into organisms that could not breed in nature Video:

4 Why make GMO ’ s? Agriculture  Pesticide resistance  Increase size Medical  Pharmaceuticals  Gene therapy  Transgenic animals Pets Video:

5 Efficiency In the United States, the use of GM soybeans and corn alone have:  Reduced the use of pesticides by 13 million kg from 1997- 2009 Increase yield  ~10% Decrease pesticide use  Eg. In Europe, if 50 % corn, canola, cotton, and sugar beet were replaced with GMO’s then… Pesticide use would decrease by 14.5 million kg Reduction in 7.5 hectares of land being sprayed This would save 20.5 billion liters of diesel Which would reduced atmospheric CO 2 by 73,000 tons

6 Global distribution of GMO production

7 Problems Proprietary issues  Who owns the field when pollen from GMO’s pollinate non-GM crops? Creating super weeds or super pests Chance of GMO’s crossing with wildlife  Video :

8 Introduction to Activity

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